By Staff
January 7th, 2017
Is the email real?
Is there really an opportunity for you to cruise through the aisles of a shopping mall near you and spend hours looking at things but not having to spend as much as a dime – and get paid for just walking around?
There may be jobs like that out there but the email shown below isn’t going to get you one of those jobs.

This isn’t a job opportunity – it is an opportunity for these people to learn all thy can about YOU so they can take much of what you own.
There is no address for the company and there is no way for you to communicate directly with them.
They want you to click on that email and send them some basic information about yourself. Once you do that they will begin grooming you; collecting bits and pieces of information about you and your finances and if they determine that you have anything worth stealing – they will bleed you dry.
Remember, if it looks too good to be true – it probably isn’t true.
Don’t let you greed and you gullibility get the best of you.
Smile and take a pass on this one.