It will turn out to be a defining battle for the heart and soul of Brant Street - Mayor finally goes one on one with Carriage Gate

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

October 27th, 2020



Is this the hill she will choose to die on?

Monday evening another of the Virtual Preconsultation meetings was held at which Renimmob Properties Limited listened to what the community thought of the plans for the property they bought on the west side of Brant street north of Caroline.


David Faletta – Renimmob Properties Limited

At one point one of the callers asked what the relationship was between Renimmob Properties Limited and the Carriage Gate Group. David Faletta, one of the Renimmob operation said said they bought the property and and then brought the Carriage Gate in as advisors on managing the preconsultation process and getting an application through the city’s Planning department.

Strategically that was a brilliant move for the Renimmob people.


Nick Carnecelli, Carriage Gate Development

If anyone has managed to get things through the Planning department it would be Carriage Gate.

They were the first developer to get shovels into the ground on Brant Street where they are in the process of digging the garage levels for the 24 story The Gallery.

The have completed The Berkeley on John Street but have yet to start on the above ground garage or the planned six story medical centre that has been beefed up to 17 storeys.

The also have an application in the works for the tallest, (so far) planned structured on the north side of Lakeshore Road slightly to the east of Bridgewater Development and to the west of the Nautique.

The ask is a reported 29 storeys.


Mayor Meed Ward listening to the speakers taking part in the Virtual Pre-consultation meeting.

The Mayor has been going head to head against what the Carriage Gate Group wants to do.

For the Renimmob people to bring Carriage Gate in as consultants suggest this one is going to be a battle royal.

Fur and feathers will fly.

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4 comments to It will turn out to be a defining battle for the heart and soul of Brant Street – Mayor finally goes one on one with Carriage Gate

  • Carol Victor

    Many have already expressed their views on this development. We are totally fed up with developers looking for Burlington to be an extension of Mississauga west. No 29 storey buildings in this city.; 23 storeys is already inexcusable!

  • Penny Hersh


    Same game, different players.

  • Eleanor

    Why must a part of Old Burlington be destroyed? Brant street has been an area for shopping since Burlington was originated. Council wants to bring more people downtown but all this will do is cause more traffic and more living area than shopping. Fairview has already lost a lot of buildings so why not build these towers between Brant and Guelph Line? Look at Waterdown-it is expanding developing and growing but they are leaving the old main street area alone. Towers this height will chance weather directions and what if we have fires. or hydro block outs. How do we save peoples lives or get medical attention to them if elevators are out of service? Yes I know we have generators. I just feel it is important not to destroy all our history here. We destroyed all orchards and farmland years ago. All w have left is Brant street and I feel this should be saved. Thank you for your time

  • Don Fletcher

    Much has changed since Carriage Gate had their proverbial way with the City. An almost entirely new Council and a new Mayor, a new adopted OP with no MTSA/ UGC designations downtown, and no James Ridge w/ sidekick Mary Lou Tanner on staff. Let’s hope for a much better outcome for downtown residents and visitors this time around.