By Pepper Parr
October 5, 2014
We dropped by Mayor Goldring’s campaign office on Fairview – he was holding an open house. We wanted to get a sense of what he was getting in the way of traffic. It wasn’t standing room only but there was a respectable flow of people in and out, many of them taking a lawn sign with them.
Clearly, the Mayor’s re-election campaign was in gear. The need to even have a campaign sort of snuck up on His Worship when Peter Rusin jumped into the race at close to the last minute. The Mayor didn’t even have a campaign office at that point.
One of the people that dropped in was Jivan Sanghera, one of the nine people running against incumbent Blair Lancaster. Sanghera did very well in the ward six council candidates debate sponsored by the Gazette.
Vanessa Warren, another ward six candidate is reported to have said to Sanghera that if she had known he was going to run she may not have gotten into the race herself. Warren was adamant about there being a candidate to run against Blair Lancaster and in the earlier stages of this campaign there weren’t a lot of people wanting to be on the ballot.
The South East Asian community was nowhere to be seen until sometime in September when four people from that community popped out of the woodwork.
Sanghera is finding it difficult to become the “front runner” with four South East Asians in the race. There are tribal and family loyalties that have to be dealt with. This is a tight knit community with all the problems and foibles that can produce. Smear campaign abound – there is some pretty nasty stuff coming out of one campaign and another that seems to feel she can put up signs wherever she pleases.
Sanghera who is Indian culturally was raised in Canada and has prospered. He chose to get into politics despite the comments from his father, who is reported to have asked his son why he would choose to try and become a member of council. Sanghera, who is in the mortgage business, will tell you without as much as a blink of an eye that he loves his city and wants to serve.
The job you have said his father is equivalent to doctor money – why would you want to take such a huge pay cut? Same reply – this is something I want to do.
So – off Sanghera went to meet the Mayor – thinking that this is the man I might be working with. Here is how Sanghera explains his “Moment with the Mayor”.
Having had the pleasure of attending Rick Goldring’s open house I was amazed to walk through the door to him saying “Jivan” with an out stretched hand.
By having spoken to him I gleaned one thing. This man really cares about Burlington. We spoke of how long he has been serving the city in one capacity or another. Whether via his previous work in Financial Planning, the Chamber of Commerce, or through Council.
The advice he gave me was quite simple. Serve for the right reasons and everything else will fall into place. I believe that he works to make Burlington a better place. I may not agree with all of his decisions to date but i know that he must have believed it was the best move for the city. The fact that he is very much a proponent of the new style of performance based budgeting is a point that we definitely agree on. He also agreed that Councillors represent all of Burlington not just one section and its interests.
It may or may not be my time to take a seat in the council chamber. But one thing is for sure Mayor Goldring is a guy I’d be happy to work with.”
Jivan Sanghera left the campaign office with a sign tucked under his arm which he planted on his lawn when he got home. Goldring has the votes from that household.
Hi Tony,
For your information, I’ve worked on many campaigns in different cities. I haven’t contributed to The Gazette as much as you have. You comment on a regular basis in a variety of articles. I personally don’t have that much time! My comments are my opinions and of actual facts. What are your comments about? I don’t personally have any target. As far as real names go, how do we know that ‘Tony’ is your real name anyways?
Yes we both have things to say. I’ll agree with you on that.
You are correct – technically it’s Anthony. Can you not find the “time” to divulge a simple “actual fact” such as your name? With rhetoric such as “stupid”, “idiotic” and “be careful what you say”, an identity should be compulsory. Rather, don’t bother. If the candidate you represent doesn’t require it, again, why should I?
I use my name. From time to time the publisher of this paper suggests it, and refers to it as “the courage of your convictions”. Foolish of me perhaps, but I refuse to use a moniker. The floor is yours, I shall not post again.
Stacie- From what I understand, you are very educated in your responses and usually have a very detailed response. So please, if you do have something of importance to say, say it. By saying ‘he doesn’t stand a chance’ and just leaving it at that just represents that you are supporting someone else.
Greg Fabian- You also my friend have plenty to say usually. Do you actually need clarification on what you read? What is your purpose of just re-typing what’s written in the article? Ward 6 is in North Burlington. How long have you lived here? Be careful what you say. Mr. Sanghera’s parents are from India. Mr. Sanghera was raised in Burlington. If you have something of actual importance to say about a specific issue, then go ahead. But by stating stupid remarks like, “I thought Ward 6 was in North Burlington…” It kind of seems childish to me. Are you a teenager?
Kev- You are wondering when people will start talking about issues? Hmm, I wonder the same thing actually. Did you speak of any issues? Who’s attacking the Indian community? Can you explain how? How many friends do you have in the community? You know what’s wrong? IF ANY candidate puts their sign up illegally. Can you tell me who has? It’s pretty evident isn’t it? What else is wrong? If someone is deliberately trying to tarnish someone’s name. Another absolutely idiotic thing to do is put your lawn sign up without someone’s permission. I can also state here what I’ve heard and what I haven’t heard. Kev, this isn’t a place of gossip. I’m sorry that Mr. Sanghera hasn’t earned your vote. I’m sorry that you feel the need to support someone that leaves the debate room. And I’m also sorry that you feel that a candidate that promises bake sales as fundraisers to get things done is capable of being councilor. Let me clarify: You have not really spoken of other candidates such as Warren who is great as well. You are mentioning Mr. Sanghera. So please also mention one good thing about the other Indians that you are so very concerned about.
Tony- I had to check my cabinet too. But actually I expected a smart response from you.
What the article means is that the Indian community is relatively small. So therefore one might be relatives with one candidate and good friends with another, etc. Thus making it difficult for the Indian voters on who to vote for. Or also one might be friends with all 3 of the Indian candidates. BUT an Indian citizen shouldn’t vote for someone just because they are Indian. They SHOULD look at ALL the candidates of Ward 6. BUT since this article is talking about a certain topic and there are comments being made…
Let’s talk about platforms. What is Ishar’s platform? Does anyone know? He leaves the debate room never to come back. Was it stage fright? Perhaps. Or as we are told illness? Then we are told he has suspended his campaign? But then he is still sticking lawn signs up…interesting. Other than being here for 30 years, what’s he going to do for Ward 6?
Then there’s Pardeep Dosanjh. What exactly is her platform? She cares for seniors and for young kids..I do too! Did she answer any question correctly at the debate? If I recall specifically, she had to ask another candidate for clarification. Is it not her signs that are up illegally? All she talks about is her work history. I think all the candidates have a great work history. Just because one works with seniors doesn’t mean they are the only ones that care for the seniors. Fundraisers that are in the form of ‘dinners’ or ‘bake sales’ will not get you anywhere.
And people let’s be realistic here. Just because Mr. Sanghera proposed that a bridge be built doesn’t mean a bridge will happen. A lot of people have mentioned that Mr. Sanghera is not being realistic. Mr. Sanghera cannot build a bridge on his own and cause others to have their taxes raised. He simply cannot do that himself. The traffic issue is only being discussed because other citizens are concerned.
The article is not a set up. Mr. Sanghera went to go meet the mayor. The candidates will be working with the mayor. I don’t see what the issue about that is. The issue about the smear campaign is being handled with the appropriate authorities.
I agree with Richards, you do have to educate yourself. Who is willing to represent ALL of Ward 6? Of course if a candidate has a good education, that helps as well. What is that we tell our kids these days? Simple. Get an education so you can get somewhere in life. Experience in public speaking helps as well. This shows that a candidate can speak on an intellect level and get their point across at meetings. What are the issues today in Ward 6? Who can we go up to that will listen to us? I guess listening part any candidate can do. But which candidate has the capability to take the next step?
Mr. Sanghera made the effort to take time out of his day to meet the current mayor. Anyone could have made the attempt to do that. Now that his picture gets published, there’s issues.
Please people do your research. Then match your background research with the current issues of Ward 6. AND THEN see who’s really capable of being the Councillor of Ward 6.
Mr. T. When you are finished campaigning, perhaps you could take over for me in providing comment and counterpoint to things you read about in the Gazette. I’m not sure that campaigning is right for you anyway.
Good or bad, right or wrong, acerbic or endearing, smart or serious you will have an opportunity to contribute. Your comments are a little long, and you should abbreviate them. When you admonish somebody, or some thing, use your real name (especially if your target uses theirs). You definitely have at least as much as I have to say, so I’ll leave it with you.
Over and out.
Council politics, tribal and family loyalties, this makes me laugh. “Mr. T” which feels like it is a candidate responding do not want to name which one but you guys can all make an educated guess. The article that was published did more damage than good, hope you realize that now. Good luck in the election.
“The South East Asian community was nowhere to be seen until sometime in September when four people from that community popped out of the woodwork.”
I thought Ward 6 was in north Burlington not South East Asia.
Editor’s note: This is pretty close to a racist remark. I have approved it because. I want readers to know where it comes from
My comment is not to suggest that anyone should not run for elected office. In fact I think more people should do so.
I do admit that my comment reads poorly.
However it was an attempt to point out, just as many others have here, that this should be a campaign that stands on issues alone.
It should not be about where someone was born, where they came from, what community they belong to, or which community they would best represent.
In fact I don’t think there should be any mention at all of a persons ethnicity or community.
They should represent the whole community of ward 6 equally.
Whoever that is that is who I would vote for.
Everyone should reread this article. Jivan’s comments were in bold. The writer made reference to “the four South East Asians” and “There are tribal and family loyalties that have to dealt with”.
This article was a set up. There are two campaigns of South East Asian decent playing “traditional” India politics. Dirty smear campaigns. It if further evident that this article and some of the chose words the writer chose to say were to get these campaigns to come out of the wood work and show themselves. A comment was posted here even after it was verified the email address was invalid.
JIvan has conducted himself in a postive and “canadian” way. He is not bringing up his cultural history, the writer is. Two of the other candidates and their families have no desire to represent ALL of Ward 6, They want to divide us as a community. To repeat myself, as these two have no platform or firm grasp of the entire community, their desire to divide, splits votes and gives our current councillor a license to do NOTHING again for 4 more years.
There are 4 very good candidates running for the Councillor position in Ward 6. (I am not referring in any way to the current councillor) . Samra pick up the phone and call them. If you want to sit back and wait for things to come to you, you will be sitting a long time. You have to educate yourself.
Thank you Mr. T and Greg for great responses.
What strange and peculiar comments, from this campaign team. I actually had to check the liquor cabinet to see if I had inadvertently polished off a bottle of Johnny Walker before reading them. It’s still there and so are these comments. I better go check again.
I can’t believe this is the sorry state of politics in my ward. When will people start talking about issues rather than tribal politics? We live in a multicultural society, we all have to coexist and live together. So please stop the attacks and discrediting the Indian community. I have some very good friend in that community and I can tell you that they are not happy with the way things are shaping up. I think Mr. Sanghera’s comments were misplaced and sad. One should not be ashamed of his heritage or attack his community just to score some type of political points. I am sorry but that is wrong. I think over all he is a nice man but is probably being guided wrong. It think this article really speaks to his amateurish character and judgement. Sorry just my two cents. Maybe with some time in the future he will become a better candidate worthy enough to represent ward 6. But today I feel like he hasn’t earned my vote.
I find the following very disturbing:
Pepper – “….difficult to become the “front runner” with four South East Asians in the race. There are tribal and family loyalties that have to be dealt with.”
Samra – “As part of the Indian community in Burlington (only lived here for 2 years) I find it terrible that this candidate is dividing our community. As a very strong community we have to stand united, and with this election there is no unity involved. How will you be able to build trust and unity with the other non indian residents if you cant get the few indians on your side.”
What is this election campaign about?
One is entitled to vote for whoever they want to. 3 individuals of Indian descent decided to move forward. It’s not hard to figure someone’s capability and credentials.
For you to suggest that Jivan is dividing the community is absurd! I don’t believe Jivan has the power to do such a thing.
With this election, the Indian vote is obviously divided, but how is that only Jivan’s fault?
Trust and Unity comes with time Samra. You mentioned you have been here for 2 years. I have Indian friends that have been here since the ’70’s.
You Mr. Samra are entitled to your vote. You may not be aware who is supporting Jivan and who is not. But I assure you, there are plenty.
There is in fact a smear campaign that you will become aware of very soon.
Again, if you drive around, you can see for yourself which signs have been put up illegally. Mr. Sanghera has his signs up LEGALLY and with the permission of the home owner.
Mr. Samra, Jivan has a lot of confidence in the Indian community and any other community. He was brought up in Burlington. Being Indian is his background. But to be Councillor of Ward 6, you cannot play favorites because that my friend would not represent unity!
On the other hand, I don’t see why Jivan would ‘bash’ anyone. You are aware that he actually has many relatives with the last name Samra? Who have lived in Burlington since the ’80’s?
Knowing that the Indian vote isn’t the deciding factor in winning, so therefore that is why Jivan reached out to other communities as well. Jivan can only build integrity for Everyone is Ward 6, not just the indian community.
Mr. Samra, since you have only been here for 2 years, I suggest you do your research and understand and realize that Burlington has different neighborhoods, it is not divided culturally (yet anyways) like how some bigger cities might be.
As a long time resident of Burlington, I have seen Alton grow and become culturally diverse.
But with all do respect, there are different cultures out there as well.
If you like many others don’t like any of the candidates, then why didn’t you become a candidate? I have respect for each candidate in Ward 6 actually. I believe each has their own good traits. But instead of sitting there and complaining, get involved! And better yet, become a candidate next time!
And I should also mention that there are streets where some people have said that they have not met all of the candidates yet. So the candidates that you met may have not been to the streets that other candidates have been.
From what I understand there are 3 Indian candidates. One which has suspended his campaign. So now down to 2. If you don’t like this article, more power to you. But if you like this city, and you want to be part of change, then you should vote. If you can’t decide who you want to vote for then why don’t you call each of the 2 Indian candidates, or better yet, call all of the candidates. Voice your concerns directly. Don’t sit there and complain in an article that you just don’t like anybody and don’t jump to conclusions. You want answers, contact the candidates. I’m sure that each candidate would be more than happy to talk to you.
Samra- sir I did not write this article. The only portion of this article i wrote is
Having had the pleasure of attending Rick Goldring’s open house I was amazed to walk through the door to him saying “Jivan” with an out stretched hand.
By having spoken to him I gleaned one thing. This man really cares about Burlington. We spoke of how long he has been serving the city in one capacity or another. Whether via his previous work in Financial Planning, the Chamber of Commerce, or through Council.
The advice he gave me was quite simple. Serve for the right reasons and everything else will fall into place. I believe that he works to make Burlington a better place. I may not agree with all of his decisions to date but i know that he must have believed it was the best move for the city. The fact that he is very much a proponent of the new style of performance based budgeting is a point that we definitely agree on. He also agreed that Councillors represent all of Burlington not just one section and its interests.
It may or may not be my time to take a seat in the council chamber. But one thing is for sure Mayor Goldring is a guy I’d be happy to work with.”
I’m afraid that you are accusing me of things that i’m just not doing. The observations that writer has made are not by me sir. So please don’t assume that they are. I’m also not sure how i’m dividing our community. I also agree that it is not Indians who are going to decide this election. It is Canadians. If you have any questions about me, my position on things and would like to discuss them with me. I am available any time at 905 334 9111.
Hello Makhachkala ,
I and a very small group of individuals are directly involved in Jivan’s campaign. I believe Jivan is quite aware that he represents every individual regardless of his background. Jivan has many friends AND family that are not of Indian descent.
Now in regards to the signs, there is not ONE sign that was put up illegally. In regards to where and which houses the signs were put up. Let me explain this very clearly to you: Jivan has knocked on doors himself and has asked strangers himself. Some support him, and some listened to him. And that’s the nice thing about Burlington, people for the most part are willing to listen. The other houses that the signs were put up are direct close family and friends. Even then, we have always maintained that although if a family or friend has said ‘ok’ on the phone, we have still talked to each individual face to face BEFORE putting up a lawn sign.
Whoever your dad is, he’s probably a good friend or relative of my friend. I will call him this evening and take the sign back and explain to him that if his kids aren’t okay with the sign, then then we don’t have to keep the sign there.
So again, there are actually complaints about the other candidate who is putting signs up illegally. This is quite evident to anyone driving around Ward 6.
Your grammar, and your knowledge of any liberal issues directly tells me who you are.
Jivan reached out to various communities other than Indian. I myself am not Indian, so I’m quite aware who Jivan has reached out to.
As part of the Indian community in Burlington (only lived here for 2 years) I find it terrible that this candidate is dividing our community. As a very strong community we have to stand united, and with this election there is no unity involved. How will you be able to build trust and unity with the other non indian residents if you cant get the few indians on your side. He is stating that there is a smear campaign, one putting signs everywhere. Mr. Sanghera you are also guilty of both, start showing some confidence in your indian community and stop bashing them, you need to learn to support them. Please build some integrity with the ward 6 indian community and maybe, just maybe you can get them on your side, the indian community is not the deciding factor in you winning. The one thing I noticed is there have only been 3 candidates that came to my door to introduce themselves, not one was you. I dont know you or any of the other 4 indian candidates, but this article is absolutley horrific. I would love an Indian as city councillor but non that are running. Stay united not divided.
Makhachkala – I am not hiding behind any racism, nor does your comment seem racist to me. What it does seem is completely off base. I have been the only candidate from the Punjabi community who in any meeting has said over and over again that I am here to represent Burlington as a whole. Which is my home town. Your comment of tribal lines is comical.
In any Liberal meetings I have NEVER once declared that I am running for Liberal MP.
Also we have not placed one sign without permission. Not one. Nothing near a mailbox. Even when a homeowner has suggested we place the sign on the boulevard we have declined. We understand the rules.
As a matter of integrity, I am not even going to go there. The name on my comment is real.
I hope to have the opportunity to serve all of Burlington and the Residents of Ward 6. If given the opportunity one thing I can assure you of is that it will be for all of us. Not one particular group.
If you saw my most recent speech you’d recall that I said in Punjabi when I wake up I see myself as Canadian first. Your comments don’t change that.
Makhachkala – Thanks for your message and attempt to make Jivan look bad. You are completely off base with your comment. We have not placed ONE, not even ONE sign without the express permission of the home owner. The placement of signs in the Alton community are at homes that Jivan has spoken to directly. So when you ask who gave him the authority, it would be your father or mother. We have not randomly placed any signs. Not even one. Jivan will comment directly on your other items.
Wow, since when does Jivan represent any community. The candidates are running in Burlington not India so you represent everyone regardless of your background. I know his camp will jump and say racism as this is easy way out. I live in this ward and when I came him my father told me a girl came and put a sign up then a guy without asking permission. Jivan who gave you authority to put sign on my lawn. This complaint is same from many other people. Jivan in a meeting 1 month ago , you told us you running for Liberal MP and running in ward 6 will help you launch. You have serious integrity issues that you need to address before labelling someone else’s. If you ran assuming south Asian vote will get you FT job then you have issues. There are 21000 other constituents that are not south Asian. Real pathetic to use race as your last trick from the bag. Hope people see true colors of some candidates that like to use race along with divide and rule tactic. Ward 6 is very diverse and not from your tribes so stop this nonsense as it is borderline racism.
Editor’s note: This comment has been edited – portions were deleted. The address from which the email was sent proved to be false.
Hi pepper, could you let me know the 4 south Asians that are running to my knowledge there are only 3.
Editor’s note: You are correct – there are just the three: Sanghera, Dosanjh and Thiara. Mr.Thiara left the stage during the ward 6 debate after giving his opening remarks and we understood he was not well and that he had suspended his campaign.
In the comments section of the Gazette we see a tremendous amount of bickering and some comments that are downright foul – many are so bad we don’t publish them. Accusations about past behaviour are being made – none that are substantiated with as much as an iota of proof. The South Asian community seems to be engaging in “character assassination. Jivan Sanghera has refrained from what is really unacceptable social behavior.
Thank you for acknowledging that I am doing my best to stay out of this back and forth. My only goal in entering this election was to provide a more accountable level of service to the city and to Ward 6 and to help this city move from reactionary to proactive leadership. Of note I am not Mr T. If I was to take a pseudonym it would have Ricky The Dragon Steamboat. Who ever wins this election has their work cut out for them. The cynicism being expressed by people is very disheartening. I am not concerned about any harm done by this article. I have been very surprised during this campaign. Some people are very nice and others occupy the other side of the spectrum. Win or lose I want to help Burlington be a better place than it is today.
I agree with what you say K. Richards. However, I attended the debate. I believe Sanghera and Warren have great platforms. I think Warren is very educated about what she speaks about. I think Sanghera is willing to work hard. He was well spoken at the debate.
I support the mayor. I support whoever supports the mayor as well.
He doesnt stand a chance.
Hi Pepper
Thank you putting what I wrote into the article. One thing is I do not make doctor money. Some brokers do. I do not currently earn at that level. But I do hope to one day.
The other who wants to put up signs where ever she pleases, does not have a platform, or a strategy other than cupcake sales…. She has had many signs already removed by the city do to complaints. More complaints will follow. I drove around the entire ward 6 today and her inability to understand the law of where signs are permitted is very evident… Her lack of knowledge is doing nothing more than assuming the Ward 6 voter is ignorant,, she is just adding mud to already merky waters in Ward 6. Thiara who has suspended his campaign due to illness has someone doing the same. Their idea of name recognition ruins the democratic process. Do they not understand that all they are doing is help Blair , continue to do NOTHING for our Ward? Are we really wanting to pay $100K for the next 4 years for a photo op person. Do we not deserve someone who will actually do work?
Meanwhile,,,,,, on developer land….. The BLAIR signs are everywhere! How much money has she really taken from developers? Fernbrook and Cornerstone should be ashamed of themselves for doing this.
It appears the Mayor, still has not figured out there is a Ward 6! He will soon enough!