Lakeshore precinct: what the planners would like to see done - they provide two concepts.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

November 27th, 2019



Directly below is a map of all the precincts.  Detail on the Lakeshore precinct is below this larger map.

Figure 5 precinct boundaries

Lakeshore precinct map

This area to many is the very heart of the city – directly across from Spencer Smith Park at the west end. All the land that has not been developed is in the hands of developers who have held it for some time. There will be a battle royal over what gets to be permitted.

The Lakeshore Precinct is a new precinct which has been created out of the lower section of the previous Downtown Core Precinct in order to highlight the gateway nature of Lakeshore Road.

Vision: The Lakeshore Precinct will serve as the gateway to the Waterfront. This precinct will continue to develop as a priority retail main street particularly on the north side of Lakeshore Road. Permitted uses are primarily retail and service commercial uses on the ground floor with residential uses above. Lakeshore Road is identified as a Pedestrian Priority Street2 where the streetscape provides a safe and comfortable environment with Clear Path Zones3 and bump outs4 to narrow the distance to cross at key intersections.

The Precinct is largely developed with existing buildings ranging from 12 to 17 storeys on the north side of Lakeshore Road and one approved building of 26 storeys and with one site with permission up to 22 storeys on the south side of Lakeshore Road. Only parts of 4 blocks remain for redevelopment.

Lakeshore precinct # 1 picture

This is the kind of thing the Planners are putting forward as Concept 1 for this precinct.

Lakeshore pic 1 3d

This is a 3D rendering of what the street will look like under Concept # 1

Concept 1:
On the remaining undeveloped blocks, a low-rise built form character will frame the street.

On the east side of Brant Street and north side of Lakeshore, only low-rise buildings will be permitted within the first 20 metres from Brant Street and Lakeshore Road.

On the remaining parts of these blocks tall buildings will be permitted.

Taller buildings will have a “slender” or point tower form with a maximum floor plate of 750m above the first 3 storeys.

Pros and cons for concept 1
Differs from the Adopted OP, which permits 12 to 17 storeys, by permitting only low-rise built form adjacent to the street with slender tall buildings being permitted 20 metres back from the street.

Maintains existing low rise-built form adjacent to the street and slender towers being set back from the low-rise towers.

Only 3 storey buildings permitted within 20 metres of Brant and Lakeshore.

Twenty metre depths provide flexibility to maintain existing retail stores or accommodate new retail space.

Tall buildings permitted in the back half of the blocks away from Brant / Lakeshore.

Concept 2

Lakeshore precinct picture 2

This is an example of what the streets would look like under concept # 2

Lakeshore pic 2 3d

This is a 3d rendering of what the street might look like under concept 2

On the remaining undeveloped blocks, mid-rise buildings will be permitted.

Buildings that are mid-rise will incorporate a 3-storey podium with a minimum 3m setback.

Pros and cons for concept 2:
Differs from the Adopted OP, which permits 12 to 17 storeys, by lowering the height limit to a maximum of 11 storeys with a 3-storey podium.
Creates an opportunity for mid-rise built form by lowering the maximum building height to 11 storeys from 12 to 17 storeys.

To accommodate the lower density of mid- rise buildings, only a 3 m podium setback provided instead of the 20 metres.
Apartment towers may limit flexibility of retail space due to placement of structural columns.

On the remaining undeveloped blocks, a low-rise built form character will frame the street.

On the east side of Brant Street and north side of Lakeshore, only low-rise buildings will be permitted within the first 20 metres from Brant Street and Lakeshore Road.

On the remaining parts of these blocks tall buildings will be permitted

Taller buildings will have a “slender” or point tower form with a maximum floor plate of 750m above the first 3 storeys.

On the remaining undeveloped blocks, mid-rise buildings will be permitted.

Buildings that are mid-rise will incorporate a 3-storey podium with a minimum 3m setback.

Differs from the Adopted OP, which permits 12 to 17 storeys, by permitting only low-rise built form adjacent to the street with slender tall buildings being permitted 20 metres back from the street.

Maintains existing low rise-built form adjacent to the street and slender towers being set back from the low-rise towers.

Only 3 storey buildings permitted within 20 metres of Brant and Lakeshore.

Twenty metre depths provide flexibility to maintain existing retail stores or accommodate new retail space.

Tall buildings permitted in the back half of the blocks away from Brant / Lakeshore.

Differs from the Adopted OP, which
permits 12 to 17 storeys, by lowering the height limit to a maximum of 11 storeys with a 3-storey podium.

Creates an opportunity for mid-rise built form by lowering the maximum building height to 11 storeys from 12 to 17 storeys.

To accommodate the lower density of mid- rise buildings, only a 3 m podium setback provided instead of the 20 metres.

Apartment towers may limit flexibility of retail space due to placement of structural columns.

No tall buildings

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2 comments to Lakeshore precinct: what the planners would like to see done – they provide two concepts.

  • December is not or definitely is the month to do this depending on your perspective. . We know how busy it is for families and those who do their best to volunteer to ring bells,, pack hampers ., entertain at seniors homes attend children or grandchildren’s shows, etc. We are retired and we find it hard to keep up with all we would like to do, not counting our own family’s traditions what about those who are working. full time etc. and trying to do what we do – there are many of you out there. We cannot give this the time we would like to at this time of the year and that is very disappointing to us. We are sure there are lots more that want to have a handle on this but simply do not have the time available to take it all in, in December. Some would say good planning!

  • steven craig Gardner

    prefer previous version with taller buildings along lakeshore