Large windows at Alton Library smashed - Police have very little information

By Pepper Parr

July 11th, 2022



Perhaps a book that was overdue just had to be returned.

Whatever it was – car went through the windows of the Alton branch of the Burlington Public Library.

No one was injured and the staff managed to get the building opened this morning with little in the way of service disruption.

The Alton Recreational Centre has a high, a public library and some of the best recreational space in the city.

The property is owned by the city with the three jurisdictions sharing the use of the space.

An incident like this wasn’t in the operational plans.

“We are very glad to be able to welcome people back into the branch so soon,” says Amanda Freeman, Branch Manager. “This library is busy with families, especially during Summer Reading Club. We are very grateful to all our BPL staff and partner organizations for getting us back into operation so quickly.”

A small area of the branch is closed off with barriers until the damage can be fixed more permanently.

The remainder of the space is still open for browsing, borrowing, programs, and study.

No one was seriously injured in the collision. It occurred before the branch opened Saturday morning.

Police report that:

A vehicle drove through the glass at the library on July 9 at approximately 9:00 am.  I am not aware of any charges or injuries at this time.

The Gazette followed up and got this:

“Unfortunately I cannot confirm any other details.  Accident reports are completed by the officer and then sent off to the Ministry so I am not able to view the report.  The officer is on their 4 days off currently so I am not able to confirm with them either.  From what I see there does not appear to be any evidence to support that it was a deliberate action.”


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1 comment to Large windows at Alton Library smashed – Police have very little information

  • Well done to get this up so quickly. We witnessed, within hearing, and then saw the car half in the Burlington Courts building, with exactly the same kind of scenario some years ago. So we know first hand what a great job Burlington Public Library did.