By Pepper Parr
January 10, 2015
Update: An observant reader advised us that: The City of Burlington tweeted out just a few hours ago that the Mayor was looking for a new Chief of Staff. The tweet linked to that job postings page. Not sure if the job had been posted in the fall or if was an appointment. Maybe there was a problem with the process? Not sure what it means.
Mayor Goldring has staffed up his office and now has Frances Grano serving as Chief of Staff; Tina Depko-Denver, former city hall reporter for the Post now serving as his Communications Assistant and Corry Holloway serving as the Assistant to the Mayor’s Office
Grano is described as a business performance advisor with two decades of experience with the Ontario government.
She has been with Burlington since 2009 and has worked at the provision of Information Technology strategic consulting services, ensuring that solutions meet the needs of the business. Manages relationships with IT customers and delivers project management services on behalf of the ITS department.
Granos most recent assignment was as part of the team that brought Results Based Accountability to the city. Granos worked with the service owners in departments to align performance measurement and business process improvement with strategic goals and objectives. Her objective was the developing and maintaining performance measurement and business process management frameworks and related networks that link these aspects of the corporation together.
The team the Mayor has supporting him this term is significantly different than the one he had during his first term. Will it make a difference? It could.

The Mayor’s page announced that Frances Grano is working in the Mayor’s Office as Chief of Staff up to March 2015. Ms. Grano is providing assistance while Mayor Goldring recruits for a Chief of Staff for the current term of Council.
We’re all confused: Mayor’s page shows that it is Frances Grano…is this one of those fake hire posts? Need clarity in hiring process. This seems fishy.
Are you sure? The job posting is still up and expires Jan 23 for Chief of Staff