Meed Ward's election vehicle is out there for everyone - It is called A Better Burlington.

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

February 20, 2018



The Brand – and the marketing of a politician.

My experience with Marianne Meed Ward goes back to the time in 2010 when she was running for the ward 2 council seat.

It was clear to all those at the two campaign meetings I attended that Meed Ward had her eye on the Chain of Office the Mayor wears.

The 2010 election was the occasion for then Mayor Cam Jackson to lose his seat – he served just the one term after leaving provincial politics.

SaveOurWaterfront- Meed ward

The community association Meed Ward rode to a city council seat was Save our Waterfront. The 2018 to 2022 will be save the downtown core.

At the meetings I attended SOW, Saving our Waterfront, was the citizens group that Meed Ward rode to city council.

I don’t recall A Better Burlington ever being mentioned, and I am a stickler for details.

Today – Meed Ward is moving away from her Ward 2 Newsletter as the vehicle that will get her that Chain of Office in October.

While she hasn’t declared Marianne will not be ruining for her council seat again.

Today Meed Ward says A Better Burlington began in 2006 after her neighbours said they felt left out of city decisions, learning about them only after they’d been made.

Meed Ward at kick off

Meed Ward at her 2014 nomination meeting where she said to those gathered that she did not want just their vote – she wanted their trust.

Meed Ward defines herself as a journalist for 22 years, who came to the conclusion that “I can do something about that” and a website and newsletter were born. “They’ve taken various forms and names over the years, but the intent remains: To let you know what’s happening at City Hall before decisions are made, so you can influence outcomes for A Better Burlington.”

There is a point during an election campaign where sitting members cannot use the facilities and services they can normally use on a daily basis.

Meed Ward is clearly setting up a new brand so that when she is an announced candidate she has the machinery to communicate with anyone and everyone in the city.

Better Burl logo

Her message is pretty clear – is it going to be heard city wide?

Meed Ward believes that “The best decisions are made when elected representatives tap the wisdom of our community members, and welcome many different perspectives.”

Her new site will allows residents to comment and debate with each other; the Commenting Guidelines established in 2016 aim to keep debate respectful.

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5 comments to Meed Ward’s election vehicle is out there for everyone – It is called A Better Burlington.

  • Robert

    I admire her passion and truly believe she is all in for a better Burlington, she will be a strong but fair Mayor. She gets my vote.

  • Sharon

    Alison you’re right as long as you live in Ward 2 you are taken care of. A Mayor has to care about the WHOLE city.

  • Allison

    MMW works her tail off and cares about her constituents. It would be a very different and better City if the other members of council did the same. Like her or don’t (I do), her commitment is 100%. The time has come to elect a city council across the city who are engaged and responsive rather than just phoning it in. Marianne as mayor would be great, but the real need is to have engaged people on council in every Ward.

  • Sharon

    MMW certainly did not care about all of Burlington during the PARC. And Burlington is not JUST downtown.

  • This woman is marvellous. I hope she becomes mayor. I certainly will be voting for her if she runs.