Nelson pool will not be amongst those opening for the summer - city announces splash pad dates.

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 25, 2015


There will be water in city operated swimming pools – but the pool at Nelson will not be one that opens – this year.

Beats the heat doesn't it?  Your tax dollars at work.

Beats the heat doesn’t it? Your tax dollars at work.

Nelson Outdoor Pool was scheduled to open for the 2015 summer season. As part of preparing for the summer opening, city staff conducted a pool inspection after the winter season. The pool structure has been deemed unsafe for public use by a structural engineer.

Attempts were made to see if any short term solutions could be found for this summer season however, repairs measures are too extensive. As a result, Nelson Pool will not open for the summer 2015 season.

“The pool was to reopen June 13, but with two severe winter seasons back-to-back, the steel tank at Nelson Pool has seen an accelerated rate of deterioration.” said Glenn. “Ensuring public safety is our top priority, and thus the need to keep Nelson Pool closed. Plans have been made to accommodate program participants and renters at other city pools.”

With the bad news out of the way the Director of Parks and Recreation Chris Glenn sang a happier tune and said the City of Burlington wants to help residents splash into summer and that all the city’s splash pads, including the Dofasco Waterjet Park at Discovery Landing, are open for the summer.

“With the warm weather, we’re pleased to have splash pads around Burlington open for the season earlier than usual. There are splash pads in parks across the city for families to enjoy the outdoors and cool off throughout the summer.”

Mountainside Outdoor Pool and La Salle Splash Pad will open on Saturday, June 13 to the public for the summer swimming season.

Ward 3 Mountainside Pool update July 30

Mountainsides bran new pool will see its first customers Saturday June 13th

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The Tim Hortons free swims scheduled for July 6 and Aug. 9 at Nelson Pool will be relocated to Centennial Pool, 5151 New St.

The July 6 swim will run from 1:30 to 4 p.m. and the Aug. 9 swim will run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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3 comments to Nelson pool will not be amongst those opening for the summer – city announces splash pad dates.

  • Yvonne

    Terrible news and needs to be addressed as this pool is usually to capacity in Summer . Where will summer camps held at Nelson, be moved to as the highlight of the day was to cool off in the pool .? Better idea lets defer the lakeshore waste of money park near Beachview area ,you know the one where Region is demanding residents vacate homes for expropriation and channel that money into emergency pool repairs at Nelson

  • Roger

    This is terrible news – wonder how many adults use a splash pad. Yes the pool failed the inspection – what is the plan to repair it

  • Mr.Bean

    Terrible news! The city needs to fix Nelson pool as soon as possible to have it open this summer. With so many swimming programs run by the city through Nelson pool, where will everyone go instead? Mountainside will be packed beyond capacity and families will be turned away. With the amount of money we have spent on the PAC and pier, surely we can fix the pool and have it for those of us that don’t have a private one in our backyard.