By Staff
July 14, 2021
The City of Burlington announced the appointment of Maciej Jurczyk as the City Auditor starting August 16.
The City Auditor reports directly to the Audit Committee, a standing committee of Burlington Council. The Audit Committee is comprised of both City Council members and citizen members, of which three members were directly involved in this hiring process.
Maciej brings over 20 years of internal audit and organizational performance experience. He has worked in both the public and private sectors. More recently, Maciej was with the City of Brampton in various audit and business improvement capacities as well as Director Internal Control & Organizational Performance for Niagara Region. Maciej was a member of the City of Burlington Audit Committee for four years as well as a member of the Halton Region Joint Audit Compliance Committee.
City Auditor role
The Office of the City Auditor is an independent office. The City Auditor sees the whole of the organization and supports the City in the achievement of its strategic, department and service-oriented goals and objectives. The work of a City Auditor includes:
• assessing how risks are managed
• providing recommendations to increase the certainty of achieving goals and objectives
• looking at operations through a continuous improvement lens to support enhancements
• advising and consulting management and staff during the development of new opportunities and projects to enhance internal controls and minimize risk.
If he was a member how impartial is he going to be in terms of the mile long list of infractions Council and the Audit Committee have been part of since 2014? We have been waiting for such a time as this but looks ss though the City covered its behind with this appointment. Why are we surprised? We will have a report ready for him to address upon bis arrival. INDEPENDENT, YEAH RIGHT.