New Police headquarters several months behind the original opening date.

News 100 blueBy Staff

December 13, 2017



The Police Services Board met in Burlington in November, which is a first for some time.

Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven who represents Burlington on that Board would have been the host.

During the meeting there may have been an update on the new police headquarters that are seriously behind the original production schedule.

New headquarters from QEW

New police HQ – this is the view from the QEW.

They were to be opened in the before the end of the year – it now looks as if the new building, located in Oakville a short five minute walk from the Regional offices on Bronte Road.

Police HQ - entrance

This will be the public entrance to the new police HQ

Police work is now much more than a police officer walking a beat. You might see a police officer on bike from time to time but policing today is done from the seat of a cruiser that is loaded with technology.

What’s in the cruiser has to be backed up by staff who keep the systems operational. The police haven’t put out much in the way of information yet.

The police are currently in the north end of the Regional offices.  That space will be used by the Region for personnel who are currently located in rented space elsewhere in the Halton.

All there is for the public to see is the building which sits on a prominent site. It has a different look.

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