By Pepper Parr
March 20, 2020 – 6:06am
One of the people we turn to for advice and comment on the work we do each day commented that all the articles on COVID-19 are making the Gazette look like wallpaper – it’s all the same.
And it does look that way today.
History will tell us that this virus, like 9/11, will have changed the world as we have known it. The outcome of what is really a war against a disease is one we have to win and one we can win if we use the brains and skills we have and the discipline we must develop.
We will get through this by helping each other.
The Gazette is developing a series Coping with COVID-19 & the kids.
A couple of times each week we will publish articles on what parents are doing to continue raising their children under very trying circumstances.
A number of parents are working with us to talk about ideas they will be using to care for their children for what is probably going to be longer than they realize.

Ashley Worobec with her New York Marathon bib number.
Ashley Worobec, the chiropractor who runs and completes marathons is the mother of two; an 11 year old son and an 8 year old daughter. .
Amber Rohol, the brains behind the Active Parents website and the mother of two 11 year old girls will be joined by Nicki Rivers, a teacher at a private school and the mother of two children.
The objective is to have these three women along with members of the Gazette Advisory group prime the pump as it were – sending ideas out and receiving ideas from other parents.
This is ideally a two way flow with parents building on the ideas that come in.
Where should we start? Baking – get the kids into the kitchen and make cookies or bread. When I was raising my daughter I had to make a cake for a Girl Guide meeting. I used a cake mix but something didn’t work out all that well – the middle was mushy.
I didn’t panic – I just got creative – scooped out the mushy middle and filled the center with jelly beans. My daughter was delighted – she wouldn’t be embarrassed – one parent asked me for the recipe.
We expect to have the editorial feature up and running in a day or two.
The team behind this will not be meeting – it will be viral – with lots of telephone calls and emails. Be part of what we are setting out to do.

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This is not going to be over in two weeks. More like 3 months and even then it could start again until we have a vaccine.