Open House for the three year old set as they gear up for JK and the beginning of a thirteen year journey.

News 100 greenBy Staff

October 13, 2015


The Halton District School Board has created a program to ease children into the school system.

Kindergarten classroom trashed when punks break in. When caught, and they will eventually get caught, a Judge might find a tougher school for them

Mohawk Public school will host an OPEN House for those starting school next year. Bit of a drive for those who live in Alton and Aldershot isn’t it?

They will be holding five Kindergarten Open Houses for the three year old set to to learn more about starting school.
In Burlington the big day is December 3rd with Mohawk Gardens Public school (5280 Spruce Ave) serving as hosts. The event will take place between 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Students and parents will:

• Explore a Kindergarten classroom
• Learn about play-based learning
• Pick up information and resource material in a free backpack
• Access information about community agencies and resources in Halton
• Get information about before and after school care
• Ask questions about special education

There are apparently no “loot bags” unless a back pack falls into that category.

Children born in 2012 can start Kindergarten in September 2016. Registration for Kindergarten begins in January 2016 and takes place at the school your child will attend.

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