Take the Halton Court Services customer service survey; they don't want to know why you were there - they just want to know if you were treated nice

By Staff January 25, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON   Halton Court Services is committed to providing our customers with the best service possible. Please take a […]

Ontario Creating New Enforcement Team to Combat Contraband Tobacco: they want the tax money.

By Staff January 25th, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON Ontario is taking action to combat contraband tobacco and keep our communities safe by creating a new Contraband […]

Described as searing and sensitive, Going Home Star is a production put on by the foremost ballet company in North America telling a story about one of the blackest stains on Canadian history.

By Pepper Parr January 25th, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It is recognized as one of the most important dance productions ever mounted by Canada’s Royal Winnipeg […]

Burlington’s Will Finch decides to call it a career after too many concussions.

By Staff January 25, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON Burlington’s Will Finch, the record-setting, fourth-year quarterback of the University of Western Ontario Mustangs is calling it a […]

Can the Mayor and the two Councillors who voted for the Free Monday transit for seniors find a fourth vote to make the basically no cost pilot take place?

By Pepper Parr January 22, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It’s called being between a rock and a hard place, The rules will ‘get ya’ every time. […]

He got himself onto the Performing Arts Centre stage - where a crowd of friends listened to him sing.

By Pepper Parr January 22, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON A funeral at a Performing Arts Centre? Well first it wasn’t a funeral – it was a […]

Minor transit delays Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 during Robbie Burns Road Race

Minor transit delays Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 during Robbie Burns Road Race Minor delays can be expected this Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 on routes 2, […]

Aldershot citizen speaks in favour of free transit on Monday. for seniors - council vote no.

By Jim Young January 21st, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON I am speaking as a private citizen in support of Burlington Seniors Advisory Committee’s effort to reduce […]

Council nixes the idea of a pilot project that would let seniors ride free on Monday's They approved $16,000 for their Car Free Sunday event.

By Pepper Parr January 21st, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON Robert Lovell doesn’t understand. Robert Lovell He was interviewed for the job he has as a member […]

Dust and the China Syndrome at the Art Gallery of Burlington.

By Staff January 21st, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Two new exhibits that are certainly worth the time are on the Art Gallery of Burlington calendar. Paul […]

Council whittles the tax increase down a bit - Performing Arts Centre gets what it wanted - Seniors lost out on transit.

By Pepper Parr January 21st, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON What started out as a 3.85% increase in the tax rate for 2016 got whittled down to […]

Performing Arts Centre wants to add new staff to their base budget - council will debate that ask today.

By Pepper Parr January 20th, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON It was a different day for Rick Burgess who stood before the Community and Corporate Affairs Standing […]

Tireless advocate for transit disappointed with what has been budgeted for bus service - but he does see some hope.

By Pepper Parr January 20, 2106 BURLINGTON, ON Every chance Doug Brown gets to talk about transit – he shows up. Brown is part of […]

Seniors push for free transit on Monday's - chances of this making it to the final budget look good. Oakville has had such a service since 2012.

By Pepper Parr January 19th, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It was delegation time, the occasion when different community groups get their ten minutes to wrangle with […]

At the current and forecasted tax rate citizen sees taxes doubling in 20 years - he doesn't expect his pension income to double over that period of time.

TO: Burlington Community and Corporate Standing Committee FROM: Tom Muir Subject: City Budget 2016   Tom Muir wasn’t able to get to the Standing committee […]

City spent $4.75 million less than they planned in 2015 - no - they aren't going to give any of it back to you.

By Pepper Parr JANUARY 19th, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON The report to council set out how the treasurer thought the surplus from the 2015 budget should […]

There will be no Lowville Winter Fair this year. Parks and Recreation moved funding into events a community can put on.

By Pepper Parr January 19TH, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON There isn’t going to be a Lowville Winter Fair this year. City hall has moved the funds […]

Male Arrested for Attempting to Break into Cars in Downtown Burlington

  By Staff January 19th, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON On Sunday January 17th 2016 at about 7:20 AM, a patrol officer observed a male pull on […]

Snow Update: January 19, 2016 9:00 a.m.

Snow Update: January 19, 2016 9:00 a.m. Primary, secondary and local road plowing has been completed. Plowing of sidewalks is ongoing. Road and weather conditions […]

If something that is clearly incorrect is repeated often enough - does that make it true?

By Pepper Parr January 19th 2016 BURLINGTON, ON The budget city council is debating this week and will make law next week adheres to the […]