BurlingtonGreen points to why a private tree bylaw is necessary.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. July 15, 2013. Liz Benneian made it pretty clear – you need a private tree bylaw that applies […]

Burlington MP thinks Duffy matter a quibbling minor issue, doesn’t expect to be called to Cabinet and will probably run again.

    By Walter Byj, Correspondent. BURLINGTON, ON. July 15, 2013. Burlington’s MP, Mike Wallace has decided to see Canada on a ground level and […]

Did city hall find a smoking gun in the Air Park soil testing reports? Many hope so.

By Pepper Parr. BURLINGTON, ON. July 15, 2013. It was going to be a quiet slipping into the summer season Council meeting – but […]

BurlingtonGreen maintains city council cheated the public in failing to even consider a private tree bylaw.

By Staff. BURLINGTON, ON – July 11th, 2013. BurlingtonGreen is dismayed to report that the majority of city council voted on July 8th to […]

Ray Rivers’ take on the upcoming provincial election

By Ray Rivers. BURLINGTON, ON. July 12, 2013. Five by-elections on August 1st. Tim Hudak is betting on Mr. steady-as-he-goes, Doug Holyday, to plant […]

It can be done; it is being done in other communities. Burlington just might manage to pull this one out of the fire on Monday.

By James Smith BURLINGTON, ON. July 11, 2013. After years of talk, Burlington City council decided not to join the rest of the GTA […]

Dig and discover at Crawford Lake; demonstrations of traditional fire starting techniques and storytelling.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. July 10, 2013 – They are out of school, underfoot and looking for things to do. Crawford Lake is worth […]

We didn’t make it this time – but the condition of our tree canopy is such that the issue has to be brought up again.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. July 10, 2013. When asked how he felt things were going at a meeting of residents at LaSalle Pavilion […]

Double header for the Bandits on the 13th; team no longer in last place.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. July 10, 2013. – The Burlington Bandits, will play a new double-header against the Brantford Red Sox this Saturday, July […]

The constituent and the Councillor – how one gets served by the other – but then the wheels fall off the wagon.

By Pepper Parr During an interview with Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster on the afternoon of July 2nd, before city council met to be […]

Private tree bylaw fails at committee.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. July 9, 2013. Despite some very strong arguments Burlington’s city council was just not ready to approve a by law […]

James Smith has a viewpoint on the private tree bylaw – he rants.

By James Smith. BURLINGTON, ON. July 8, 2013. James Smith usually goes on about transit or waxes eloquently about the Freeman Station which he is […]

Oil sands, carbon emmissions, global warming, floods, Alberta – ya think?

By Ray Rivers BURLINGTON, ON. July 6, 2013. We are all Albertans in this time of their crisis. Some called it a thousand-year flood […]

Swimming conditions throughout the Region not very good.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. July 5th, 2013. The most recent report on lake water conditions from the Region doesn’t have much good news for […]

It has been a long, tiring road for Vince Rossi; has his dream hit a brick wall? Will Burlington force him to comply with city by-laws?

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. Jul5 5th, 2013. We know about the damage the land fill being piled up on the site of the […]

Three lawyers meet to discuss Air Park differences; agree to disagree and meet again in a couple of weeks. Landfill continues.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. July 4, 2013— For a document that was to have been available the day after city Council met on […]

Off duty police officer spots suspicious behavior and calls it in; three arrested for phony credit card scam.

By Staff. BURLINGTON, ON. July 4, 2013. Shortly after 4:30 p.m., yesterday afternoon, an off-duty Halton officer was shopping in a grocery store in […]

Is there anything about living in rural Burlington that excites you? You don’t live there OK – does something up there excite you?

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. July 3, 2013. Imagine! A city Councillor with more than 20 years at the Council table asking you for […]

The Burlington we live and believe in – it happened right here – in our town.

By Debra Pickfield. BURLINGTON, ON. July 2, 2013. They were doing something right. It was 9:30pm on Friday night at the 7-11 at Guelph […]

Bateman students wins Art in Action Scholarship; plans to start at University of Guelph in the fall.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, JULY 3, 2013) For the second year, Art in Action presented a scholarship to a Halton Region High School student […]