Parking in the Beachway is something you have to pay for - unless you were able to get a free pass and then find a spot.

By Staff

June 30th, 2022



Holiday weekends in Burlington means hundreds of people head for the Beachway – one of the best beaches in the province.

Sunny weather increases the traffic – and the traffic looks for parking spaces.

Prior to the pandemic the situation got out of hand and the city had to come up with a way to control the parking.

There was a point where with no rules in place vehicles, often pick up trucks parked wherever they could find a spot.

The city came up with a set of rules that resulted in paid parking and they found a way to protect people in the Region from having to pay.

One of the best stretches of beach in the province

The Beachway is a Regional park managed by the city.

The Beachway is a play place.

Now you have to pay for parking in the Beachway.

Fees will be charged from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends – until the last weekend in September: Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022.

Parking fees can be paid through the HONK mobile app. Users do not have to download the app – they scan the QR code on parking lot signage to pay for parking.

A camera does it all for you.

The hourly rate of $2.50 or a daily flat rate of $20. Users can scan the QR Code or download the HonkMobile app. There is a transaction fee of $0.35 for each payment. Dashboard tickets are not needed as every payment is linked to a license plate number. Parking ambassadors are onsite to assist visitors with this process.

You get ticketed when you do this – some of them got towed.

Illegally parked vehicles will be issued tickets and/or towed. Drivers are reminded not to park illegally, especially on Lakeshore Road shoulders and the grass boulevard over the pipeline as they will be towed.

Parking is free in Downtown Burlington on weekends and holidays. Beachway visitors are encouraged to extend their walk or use the drop-off zone, park for free in the downtown and meet their household members at the beach. For parking downtown, visit

Visitors are also encouraged to consider taking Burlington Transit, cycling, walking or rolling to the beach and leaving their cars at home.

Premier comes through – cuts the gas tax

Also starting May 21, Halton residents can take advantage of 10 free days of parking per year at Beachway Park. It is recommended that residents wait to fill out the parking exemption form once they’ve arrived at the beach and parked in a legal parking spot. The exemption doesn’t guarantee a spot, but it does give residents free parking for the day.

There is a bit of a bright spot – the Premier lifted some of the gas tax – you’ll save 5.7 cents per litre. If you tank is big enough the savings just might cover the cost of parking.

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1 comment to Parking in the Beachway is something you have to pay for – unless you were able to get a free pass and then find a spot.

  • Denise W.

    I have seen it happen over and over. Anyplace that is popular, somebody finds a way to enact pay parking. And up go the “No Parking” signs everywhere within marathon walking distance. All in aid for making people pay to enjoy some particular outdoor space. Too bad really as it is not a step forward.