Private tree bylaw fails at committee.

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON.  July 9, 2013.   Despite some very strong arguments Burlington’s city council was just not ready to approve a by law that would regulate what a person could do with trees on their private property.

Data be damned, the council members voted 2 for 5 against which meant that case was lost.

Some in the room were stunned; Burlington Green can’t believe this happened to them but the sentiment just wasn’t in the hearts of those who were making the decision.

The 2 for were Mayor Goldring who wasn’t ready for an actual bylaw but wanted staff to begin drafting something.  He was joined by Councillor Meed Ward – a pairing we are seeing more often.

More details on the why and the different arguments for and against a private tree bylaw in a future story.  Burlington does have an issue that at some point they are going to have to face.  The city has a tree canopy that is significantly below what it needs to be if the shade canopy we now have is going to be maintained.

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