Procedure for passing a budget with Strong Mayor Powers being used.

By Pepper Parr

November 18th, 2023



Now that the setting a budget process is being determined by the Strong Mayor powers that Mayor Meed Ward is going to use, here are the rules that City Council has to follow.

It should be said that the using of Strong Mayor powers is something Mayor Marianne Meed Ward chose to use – there was no requirement for her to do so even though she continues to say that she is required to do so.  A number of municipalities have decided not to use the Strong Mayor Powers; Guelph is one example.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward

The head of council is required to propose the budget for the municipality each year by February 1.

The head of council must share the proposed budget with each member of council and the municipal clerk, and make it available to the public. If the head of council does not propose the budget by February 1, council must prepare and adopt the budget.

Mayor Meed Ward produce her budget on GET THE DATE

After receiving the proposed budget from the head of council, council can amend the proposed budget by passing a resolution within a 30-day review period.

Members of Council have produced Notices of Motion setting out what each would like to see changed.  They will be debated on November 21st and 23rd. There are 54 Motions.

The head of council then has 10 days from the end of the council review period to veto any council amendment. To veto a council amendment, the head of council must provide written documentation of the veto and rationale to each member of council and the municipal clerk on the day of the veto. Council then can override a head of council’s veto of a council amendment with a two-thirds majority vote, within a 15-day period, after the head of council’s veto period.

There are mechanisms in place to enable council and the head of council to shorten their respective review, veto and override periods. For example, council could pass a resolution to shorten their review and override period, and the head of council could provide written documentation to members of council and the municipal clerk to shorten the veto period.

At the end of this process, the resulting budget is adopted by the municipality.

Municipalities were given Strong Mayor Powers on July 1st, 2023

The information we have provided comes directly from HERE

In-year budget amendments

The head of council is also able to initiate and prepare in-year budget amendments to raise additional amounts from property tax. The head of council may propose the budget amendment by sharing the proposed budget amendment with each member of council and the municipal clerk, and making it available to the public.

After receiving the proposed budget amendment from the head of council, council can amend the proposed budget amendment by passing a resolution within a 21-day review period. The head of council then has 5 days from the end of the council review period to veto any council amendment. To veto a council amendment, the head of council must provide written documentation of the veto and rationale to each member of council and the municipal clerk on the day of the veto. Council then can override a head of council’s veto of a council amendment to the proposed budget amendment, with a two-thirds majority vote, within a 10-day period, after the head of council veto period.

There are mechanisms in place to enable council and the head of council to shorten their respective review, veto and override periods. For example, council could pass a resolution to shorten their review and override period, and the head of council could provide written documentation to members of council and the municipal clerk to shorten the veto period.

At the end of this process, the resulting budget amendment is adopted by the municipality.

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2 comments to Procedure for passing a budget with Strong Mayor Powers being used.

  • Wendy fletcher

    Im hoping MMW will do the right thing and say no to PS, SS, LK and put thru Kelvin & Angelos tax savings. I know she loves to spend money but also feel like she doesnt have the guts to say no to sharman. 2800 votes from my petition might still be a small number. But its only 2800 bc it hasnt gotten the exposure it needs. Most people in this city have no idea the hit their tax bill is about to take. I know shes getting letters everyday saying youve lost my vote if you do this. She also knows Im going to keep that pressure up for the next 1.5 yrs. It wont be 2800 votes, it’ll be 15,000. I think the Strong Mayors Act is highly undemocratic. But for this budget, ut may be the only thing that saves taxpayers. MMW has some tough choices to make.

  • Jim Thomson

    Too bad it doesn’t follow the Procedure By-law