Promoting a waterfront that meets the needs and desires of the people who live in the city sounds like a good idea

By Pepper Parr

December 26th, 2021



Trying for a quieter day,

Two stories – both development related, for Burlington is in full development mode.  With 40+ development applications either with, or on their way to, the Planning department and about the same number of appeals of the adopted but not yet legal Official Plan before the Ontario Land Tribunal – the year ahead is going to be 10 months of arm wrestling before there is a municipal election – and who knows who the winners will be at that level.

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns sent out a piece she put up on her Facebook page with a link to the Plan B Facebook page.

The Councillor feels restricted on just how supportive she can be about what the Plan B people would like to see done with the Waterfront Hotel site that is the object of a development proposal for a two tower development that will set a new height level for the downtown core – a 35 and a 30 storey tower.

Named 2020 Lakeshore, the site is owned by Vrancor the owners of Solid Gold, an adult entertainment location in Aldershot, and the former Ascot Motel to the immediate east of the Bridgewater development.

The development application submitted to the Planning Department has been described as incomplete.

The downtown core of the city would undergo a radical change if these two towers were built. Burlington as people know it today would disappear.

What Kearns has managed to do is give the Plan B some much needed exposure.  If what they have in mind is to gain any traction they need a lot more in the way of public support for something radically different than the two towers to be built.

How hard can a ward Councillor fight to prevent a development. They are limited in what they can say about a development that has not yet been presented to Council

In her Facebook page Kearns writes:

Are you passionate about Burlington’s Waterfront?

Can you lend your expertise & energy to a community group?

Here’s an opportunity to join a local growing movement to Add Your Voice To Help Save Burlington’s Heritage Waterfront.

Check out PLAN B.  Waterfront Hotel Redevelopment

PLAN B is a group of engaged Burlington volunteers solely focused on ensuring that any redevelopment of the Waterfront Hotel enhances the Brant Street gateway to Lake Ontario and extends Spencer Smith Park.  She includes a link to the Plan B Facebook page.

Related news stories:

Why Plan B is critical to saving what Burlington is

Citizens wanted input at the beginning – not after the planners have made their decision.

There are options and opportunities to be creative and serve the citizens and not the vested interests.

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3 comments to Promoting a waterfront that meets the needs and desires of the people who live in the city sounds like a good idea

  • Eleanor Bain

    Why does our waterfront have to be destroyed with gigantic buildings that do not belong near our waterfront. There are other areas away from the lake which could be usede. Only people who buy in the back or lakeside get a lake view so why bother as the front and side will not see it. I know money talks and bullshit walks but this has to be stopped

  • Citizens' PLAN B

    The proposed development of 30 & 35 storey towers atop a 5-6 storey (19.2m tall) podium that stretches the full extent of the property along Lakeshore Road is not a just threat to the local waterfront community, but one that will negatively impact all Burlington residents who visit our downtown and Spencer Smith Park. Citizens’ PLAN B is working hard on and anticipates a significant “awakening” of engaged residents & visitors in the new year, to make our voice heard by all stakeholders and to make a difference in the outcome. Join the movement now at

  • S. Hutchinson

    With the application for the huge intensification for the replacement of the Waterfront Hotel, having already been submitted to the City, with only 4 months until it can move into the hands of the Ontario Land Tribunal, why, why, hasn’t the City made more noise and notifications to the residents that call our Lakefront and Spencer Smith Park their only window to open spaces and freedom? Frequenting and enjoying this area but not living on the shores of, tells me that the majority of people in Burlington have no clue of what is planned, proposed, or that any changes are even in the works for the lakefront. This serious change to our waterfront landscape is of huge interest to all of Burlington and should be headline news on a weekly basis for the crucial period of the 4 weeks sitting on the desks of the City Planners. I have not walked the 2020 Site to see if there is clear visual signs at the Brant/Lakeshore pedestrian crosswalk near the present Hotel?? Time selection for the submission of this application, and the 4 months to move forward, was a planned strategy.