Provincial Climate Change Solution includes expecting people to pick up litter.

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 29, 2018



The Ontario government today announced a Balanced, Made-in-Ontario Climate Change Solution to Preserve and Protect the Environment for Future Generations. Styled a a new made-in-Ontario environment plan to protect our air, land and water and reduce litter and waste while lowering greenhouse gas emissions and helping communities protect themselves from climate change.

“This plan strikes the right balance between a healthy environment and a healthy economy,” said Rod Phillips, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “It contains solutions that will protect our air, land and water, reduce waste, address litter, increase our resilience to climate change and help us all do our part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most importantly, it does all of this without imposing an ineffective, regressive carbon tax on hard-working Ontario families.”

“Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future Generations: A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan will help protect the Ontario we know and love, ensuring its pristine beauty and strong communities can be enjoyed now and in the future. The new plan is posted on the Environmental Registry for public input for 60 days.

“This government will hold polluters accountable with stronger enforcement and tougher penalties for breaking environmental laws. These made-in-Ontario emission standards will also consider factors such as trade-exposure, competitiveness and process-emissions and will include the authority to introduce exemptions for Ontario’s auto sector and other exposed industries as needed.

“The plan additionally includes robust transparency measures that will ensure the public has real-time information about monitoring, incidents and enforcement activities.

“Ontario will also enable others to be environmental leaders and do their part in developing environmental solutions. This includes helping unleash the resourcefulness and creativity of the private sector while freeing them from burdensome taxes and red tape that make them less profitable and hinder their growth.

Litter - people picking it up

Meaningful local environmental action through initiatives such as a new province-wide day of action to fight litter.

“It will also encourage meaningful local environmental action through initiatives such as a new province-wide day of action to fight litter, alongside meaningful partnerships with organizations like Ducks Unlimited and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to fight invasive species and encourage conservation.

The province might want to consult with Burlington Green on how to organize a litter clean up day.

The media release went on to say:  “Our plan will encourage individuals, families, governments and businesses to take greater ownership of our shared environmental challenges through real actions, big and small,” said Phillips. “We promised the people of Ontario we are serious about addressing environmental challenges of our day while respecting hard-working taxpayers – and we are keeping that promise.”

Ray Rivers will be doing an opinion piece on the new policy

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2 comments to Provincial Climate Change Solution includes expecting people to pick up litter.

  • Phillip Wooster

    Last night I listened to McKenna on Power Play. The sheer arrogance of this Minister in refusing to acknowledge the Ontario Climate Initiative; only she has the one true answer–carbon taxes. By early next year, the federal government will face opposition from 5 provinces–this will not end well for the federal Liberals. Of course, despite denials, the federal carbon tax is only a money grab and will do NOTHING to reduce global carbon emissions.

  • Hans

    Reading this triggered my BS alarm.
    “…unleash the resourcefulness and creativity of the private sector…” – really??????? How will that happen, without a big carrot and/or a big stick?
    Fortunately the Liberals already closed the coal fired electricity generating plants, which was a good start.