February 2, 2025
The Reform Gravel Mining Coalition (“RGMC”) congratulates Sarah Harmer on last week’s announcement that she will receive the 2025 Humanitarian Award at the JUNO Award ceremony this Spring.
Harmer has woven her environmental passion into her music, as exemplified by her 2005 song Escarpment Blues, which brought widespread attention to conservation efforts on the Niagara Escarpment.

Sarah Harmer has woven her environmental passion into her music, as exemplified by her 2005 song Environmental Blues. Photo credit Stephanie Montani
An important part of Sarah’s volunteer work is acting as Co-Chair of the RGMC. The RGMC advocates for aggregate mining reform, the preservation of safe well water to drink, protection of endangered species (especially in the Greenbelt), and modern air quality standards.RGMC objectives also extend beyond aggregate extraction, to include protection of First Nations’ rights, public health and safety, farmland, significant wetlands and woodlands, and endangered species.
“Reforming the gravel mining industry in Ontario isn’t just about reforming rock extraction, it’s about diminishing real risks to human health and biodiversity loss across the province. I’m honoured to help shine a spotlight on this poorly regulated but powerful industry”, said Sarah Harmer, who has campaigned for environmental issues and sustainable aggregate for over two decades.“Time after time and case after case, Sarah Harmer has answered the call for the environment and communities facing threats from the aggregate to their drinking water, air that they breathe, and species at risk.
As a co-founder of Green Gravel decades ago, her movement has grown into the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition, one of the most influential and coordinated environmental movements in Canada. Sarah has also helped to raise the profile of the need to protect the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve,” said David Donnelly, counsel to the RGMC and co-founder of the Green Gravel movement. “Sarah is one of Canada’s most important voices for the environment”.“Sarah provides RGMC with unwavering, wholehearted leadership,” said Doug Tripp, President of RGMC. “With her tireless advocacy, she shines a spotlight on our grassroots groups and brings the power of music to our movement, helping to inspire the RGMC community. We are thrilled to see Sarah receive this well-deserved recognition,” he added.

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