Staff are recommending that City Council not proceed with the Mount Nemo Study.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 14, 2016


An update on the Mount Nemo Plateau Heritage Conservation District Study will be held on Monday, May 2, 2016 at Councillor John Taylor’s Ward 3 spring meeting.

While the City remains committed to protecting the special character of rural Burlington, city staff are recommending that City Council not proceed with the Mount Nemo Study.

At the meeting on May 2, city staff will:

Describe the chronology of events related to the Mount Nemo Study that have brought us to this point

Summarize the community response to the Mount Nemo Study received to date

Outline future opportunities to be involved in rural initiatives, such as the City of Burlington Official Plan Review.

mount-nemo wide

Where will the arguments to continue with the study come from? Why the shift in thinking?

Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions of staff and offer comments. All questions and comments will be recorded for consideration in current and future City planning initiatives.

Date: Monday, May 2, 2016
Time: 7 – 8 p.m.
Location: Conservation Halton Auditorium, 2596 Britannia Rd, Burlington

Why the change?

Because there is a new planner running the department?  Or because cuts have to be made somewhere and this isn’t worth the cost?  Will not continuing with the study make any difference?

It was contentious from the beginning.


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2 comments to Staff are recommending that City Council not proceed with the Mount Nemo Study.

  • Albert

    The Petition read” Petition to cancel character area study and changes to by-laws for Indian Point.It respectfully asks the Mayor and Council to drop the Character Area Study and its implications. It authorizes the presentation of this petition to the Planning Department, Mayor and Council for the City of Burlington. Signed by by roughly 90% of residents. Signed in 18/Jan/15 and presented to council on 2 occasions. If polled today the percentage against the Character area would be even higher. When the residents saw the changes in terms of mild development( single family homes) being built. They clearly liked what they saw and spoke up for themselves.There are very few people on this list that plan to divide and build and turn a tidy profit.I’m quite sure they have great regard for the character of their community. Unlike the falsehoods being spread throughout Burlington. These folks consider the new homes being constructed as enhancing and improving the area. And in the meantime creating high paying jobs for workers and doubling or more the property taxes being paid by these new properties. No conspiracies just facts. As far as the Planning department backing away from the previous Planners ideas. There seems to be quite a lot of the ideas of the Dr. Being thrown in the trash can at City Hall. Well done Mayor councilors and Planning staff.

  • Albert

    Why the change? Probably because most of the people in this area, finally woke up and made it clear to the councilors that the majority did not want changes and were tired of having a small minority fraudulently claim they represented everyone. This is a theme running rampant in Burlington districts. Some more examples going on at this time would be. Roseland area, Shoreacres area and Indian Point. Where character area designations are being considered because a small number of residents want to stop development in these areas. By putting onerous restrictions on all the property owners. To tell you how bad it is getting, almost 90% of the resident taxpayers in Indian Point signed a petition telling council that they wanted no part of a character area designation and the restrictions that come with it in their neighborhood. It appears to date they are going to have this rammed down their throats against their wishes. Which then brings the question how did Mt.Nemo residents back council off. So many mysteries! The tail is clearly wagging the dog in this town.

    Editor’s note: Albert you are letting the conspiracy trait in you get carried away. 90% of the people at Indian Point did not say they didn’t want the study. However there was a serious split in that community with those who wanted to maintain its initial character and those that wanted to buy, sub divide, build, sell and turn a tidy profit with litter regard for the character of the community.

    Had you read the Gazette faithfully you would know that the Indian Point study is not going to go any further.

    As for Mt Nemo – the concept of a Heritage study was always problematic and the first consultant was a disaster. It is not yet clear why the the planning department is backing away from what was started under the previous planner. But you have your on views of Dr. Krushelnicki – don’t you.