Summer festival creates a winter program - starts with a rendition of some of the works of Robbie Burns.

artsblue 100x100By Pepper Parr

January 17th, 2017



You may be one of those people who knows all about the Lowville Festival – an event that takes place every July in Lowville.

Last season there was a rendition of Northwest Passage delivered by the widow of Stan Rodgers, the man who wrote it and performed it for tens of thousands of Canadians.

Paul Bass

Paul Novotny playing the double bass at the 2016 Lowville Festival.

There was a performance on a base fiddle that was the best I have ever heard.  Paul doing the Porter’s Hymn on his double bass was the star of the evening. Seldom does one hear this quality. You could have heard a pin drop while the sound was being plucked from the strings of the bass.

The team that puts together the Lowville Festival each summer has put together a winter program that begins with Robert Priest, Canada’s finest spoken word poet and singer who will delight the audience with some of his poems and compositions along with a salute to Robbie Burns. Schoolhouse Series


Lowville School House – Locale for the Lowville Festival winter series.

That event takes place Saturday January 21, 2017. Titled “Words to Warm a Winter’s Night” it will beheld in the Lowville Schoolhouse

Saturday March 4, 2017:
Racy Artists from the Renaissance to the Rococo.
Real lives of the artists will be revealed by Barbara Anderson-Huget in this multi-media presentation. Murder, adultery, fanaticism, broken vows and fashion.


Sports concussions are the topic for the final evening of the Lowville Festival Winter series.

Saturday April 1, 2017:
Head Games: the Global Concussion Crisis
After viewing the movie, Concussion, Lorretta Bailey and guest will lead a discussion about how to prevent concussions in our youth, the warning signs and possible treatments.

$20 /person for each event to defray costs.
RSVP to to reserve a seat

6207 Lowville Park Road, Burlington

Presented by ThinkSpot and the Lowville Festival

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