Survey for the Not for Profit Sector

graphic community 3By Staff

May 18th, 2021



CDH logoCommunity Development Halton speaks:  They are reaching out to the numerous Not for Profit organizations in the Region and asking them to take part in an important survey.

“As Ontario moves into pandemic recovery and rebuilding, the Not for Profit sector needs responsive policy solutions and supports to meet the immediate and long-term needs of our organizations and the communities we serve.

“Data is key! This is a crucial time to gather evidence to plan and to advocate to government and other funders for a more equitable and sustainable recovery.

“That’s why we are asking you to be part of a COVID-19 impact survey led by the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) and l’Assemblée de la Francophonie de l’Ontario (l’AFO). This one-year follow up will build on data from previous surveys by these provincial organizations, most recently in June 2020.

“Part of the survey focus is to gather regional data, which will help better understand the impact of the pandemic in Halton and the unique regional supports needed. As a survey partner, Community Development Halton (CDH) through Social Planning Network Ontario (SPNO) will be analyzing the data for our region to inform our work. We will report back on local context and action for our members, networks, and communities, and facilitate further dialogues for action. As well, we will be looking to ONN’s policy recommendations after the survey and those which connect locally.”

Three reasons to complete the survey

  1. Inform public policy solutions and other supports to strengthen your nonprofit and the sector
  2. Include the voices of nonprofits from our region and provide a local context for the pandemic’s impact and evidence needed for sustainability planning. Data will be available in de-identified data sets, with province-wide and region-specific data, to support your own work, community engagement, and advocacy.
  3. Bonus! Enter to win two free tickets to ONN’s annual conference Nonprofit Driven 2021.

Survey details

The bilingual survey is open to all nonprofits in Ontario (including charities, nonprofit co-operatives and grassroots groups) with a mission to serve a public benefit.

“We need 10 minutes of your time to provide vital data on the financial, operational and human resource impacts of the pandemic on your organization, access or barriers to government measures, and rebuilding opportunities and challenges. This survey closes on June 4, but we would appreciate your response as soon as possible.

“Together, we can collect vital data to advocate for a rebuilding strategy that meets the needs and aspirations of our region and those of other diverse communities across Ontario.”

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