By Staff
March 29th, 2018
This is funny – were it not so sad.
A regular Gazette reader got a notice from city hall advising her that a revised draft Official Plan was now available – and that copies were available at the library.
Our citizen skipped along to the library to review a copy.
We will let her tell you what happened when she go to the library:
Yesterday I received an email from the City telling me that the Revised New Official Plan was available for residents to see. I understood this to be that I could get a copy of the revisions, at any City Library, City Hall, etc.
Today when I as at Burlington Central Library, I was told that there was one (1) copy that I could look at and I would have to provide I.D. Why would anyone need to provide identification to look at this document? Are printed copies available?
Now that is citizen engagement!
There was a time when city hall at least talked about citizen engagement. They created a xxx
In 2010 the then Mayor, Cam Jackson set up a task force to report on how well city hall was engaging with its citizens. The report, Shape Burlington, was written by the late John Boich and former Mayor Walter Mulkewich; – read the report for that full story.
Relevant background links:
A Charter Action Team was created to put the Community Engagement Plan into action.

I agree with you Penny!
This is off of A Better Burlington site. Again, thank you Marianne for working tirelessly on keeping us informed!; I can arrange for a small number of printed copies for members of the community.
The April draft will come to the Planning and Development Committee April 24 (and if necessary April 25) immediately followed by a council meeting to adopt the Plan. Residents can attend and speak at both (details below). I will have more to say after I’ve had a chance for a detailed review of the plan.
Details on what’s changed and other OP information is below, and posted in the city webpage dedicated to the OP.
City of Burlington update: The project page for Burlington’s new Official Plan has been updated to include the fourth version of the proposed new Official Plan, Grow Bold: Burlington’s Official Plan (April 2018) recommended for adoption.
A fourth version of the proposed new Official Plan, Grow Bold: Burlington’s Official Plan (April 2018) was released on March 28, 2018, and is recommended for adoption Download the Official Plan for Adoption April 2018.
Individual chapters of the proposed new Official Plan (April 2018) are available for download here.
A document that compares the proposed new Official Plan (February 2018) and Grow Bold: Burlington’s Official Plan (April 2018) in tracked changes can be downloaded here: Tracked Changes.
Here is the link:
If the City really wanted residents to understand the proposed new OP and any revisions would they not simply print a simple information sheet highlighting the changes? If residents wanted more detailed information they could go to the hardcopy of the Official Plan, which takes someone with expertise to truly understand.
Perhaps the City is trying to save trees and cost of the printing of ever change that happens. Really expensive to keep printing the info.
They don’t generally make hard copies for the public. There may be exceptions.
I tried to get one of the previous versions from City Hall, but was told there aren’t any. I don’t believe this absolutely, but that’s what I was told.
You have to download what you want from the website.
Or you go to the library and other places they display them.
They don’t want people stealing them so the ID.
I don’t like this either.
Sounds like City Hall is hiding what they are really going to do to OUR city and hoping we don’t notice. We noticed!
I got the same email.