The kind of mask you wear now matters. Big question is: How do you know what kind of mask you are buying?

News 100 redBy Staff

November 5th, 2020


The following came from a CBC News broadcast.

Canada has quietly revised its guidelines on how COVID-19 spreads to include the risk of aerosol transmission, weeks after other countries and international health organizations acknowledged the airborne threat of the coronavirus.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) updated its guidance without notice this week, making mention of the risk of transmission from aerosols — or microscopic airborne particles — for the first time.

“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, spreads from an infected person to others through respiratory droplets and aerosols created when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, shouts, or talks,” the updated guidance said.

“The droplets vary in size from large droplets that fall to the ground rapidly (within seconds or minutes) near the infected person, to smaller droplets, sometimes called aerosols, which linger in the air under some circumstances.”

The federal agency’s guidelines previously said the virus spreads only through breathing in respiratory droplets, touching contaminated surfaces and common greetings like handshakes and hugs.

“We are continually reviewing new evidence and research as it emerges during the pandemic, and this new evidence guides our response to Canadians,” a spokesperson for PHAC said in a statement to CBC News late Wednesday.

cough aersol

Understanding what happens when people sneeze and what an infected person is spreading is now more important tan ever.

“We are committed to continuing to keep Canadians informed of the latest available scientific evidence and expert opinion, so they can make informed decisions to keep themselves and their family safe and healthy.”

‘Pretty major’ change

“This is pretty major,” said Linsey Marr, one of the top aerosol scientists in the world and an expert on the airborne transmission of viruses at Virginia Tech. “The big difference now is that ventilation is important — distancing alone is not enough.”

Related background information:

Droplets and aerosol transmission

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2 comments to The kind of mask you wear now matters. Big question is: How do you know what kind of mask you are buying?

  • Penny Hersh

    Ontario’s new COVID-19 restrictions system under fire
    13 hours agoNews1:59
    Ontario has announced a new tiered system for triggering COVID-19 restriction, but critics say the sky-high thresholds won’t stop the virus from spreading across the province.

    The full report can be heard by going to

  • Penny Hersh

    Interesting that our council feels that people are safe in tented outside/now inside patios.

    It is one thing to try to support the restaurants, but at what expense? Is this how they follow the health professionals?

    It has now been proven that physical distancing, mask wearing and most importantly proper ventilation is tantamount. How much ventilation exists in a plastic tent with heaters and close contact with diners not wearing masks?

    No one has mentioned that residents at Tansley Wood Retirement Centre have died of Covid 19, that many classrooms in Burlington Schools have been closed due to Covid 19 cases. In fact Burlington has seen an uptick in Covid 19 cases.

    Unfortunately, it seems that people are not willing to put some parts of their lives on hold to protect others. Is it so difficult to stay home, stay within your immediate family bubble, and order in.

    Covid 19 fatigue – really!!!