By Pepper Parr
July 21st, 2022
A heat warning has been issued by Halton Region beginning July 22, 2022.
When a heat warning is issued by Halton Region, residents can stay cool at all open Burlington Public Library branches.
Heat warnings are issued by Halton Region when temperatures are expected to be at least 31°C and overnight temperatures are above 20°C for at least three days or humidex is at least 40 for at least two days.

There are spaces that can be set up for sports that would involve seniors. There are those that would play the game and those that would watch.
We are seeing these media notices on a regular basis.
They look like they are going to be part of the new normal.
Where and who is doing the longer term thinking about how the city is going to meet the needs of the seniors?
This current weather is not going to stop – and this city has seniors who are not able to live decent lives – better to say existences.
Everyone is re-thinking their business model.
The city is no different.
Last year during the heat waves the Aldershot Seniors Group pressed the city to provide cool places where people could meet. There was some space made available at Central but for just a few hours.
A flood of emails to city councillors brought about the decision to open up the libraries as cooling centers. That was a good start – but a start is not enough.
There is space that can be used.
The city will say that there is no staff – and there is no staff – but if the city is ready to hire ten additional bylaw enforcement officers – then it had better get ready to hire just as many staff to provide what are really essential’s of life to people who deserve at least that much.
What can the Parks and Recreation people come up with in the way of program ideas?
The public meeting room at the Mainway centre is large enough to set up at least two – maybe three pickle ball courts.
There are a number of groups that would help with putting on some program for younger kids – and for parents.
It is going to take some ingenuity, some creativity and a willingness to look for ways to make it possible for people to have ways to cope with this heat.
This is something we will come back to in the weeks and months ahead.
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

Many of the seniors who would benefit having access to air conditioned city facilities ( many of which are not in use during the day) don’t necessarily want to play pickle ball or any other sport.
What is needed is place for them to meet, socialize and perhaps discuss what is happening in the world. Or simply sit and read a book and perhaps discuss it with others who might be interested.
The city could consider partnering with a group or organization to supply some funding to make this happen, if financial constraints are what is preventing these spaces from being utilized.