By Staff
May 10th, 2021
The late Jane Irving once told city council that the city is now known as “Borington”.
Might be boring but it does have a sense of humour.

The rubber chicken now has a name: The Dirty Plucker. We might donate the chicken to the Historical Society
Late in April the Gazette did a piece on the “chicken little” statements MPP Jane McKenna made in the provincial Legislature;we added an illustration of a rubber chicken that was on life support.
We asked Burlington residents to suggest a name for the chicken.
There were many, not hundreds but a respectable response – the one that was the best of the lot was: The Dirty Plucker.
There has been no response from MPP McKenna – that’s a fact.
Good contest. All in fun.
We need some levity in these times.
Related news story
McKenna’s version of the facts.