This sounds like fun - Pop up art in the Park - Saturday June 3rd.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

May 25th, 2017



This sounds like fun.

Art, the City + You: a pop-up art project in Spencer Smith Park

The pop-up art project is the way the city is asking Burlington residents to re-imagine the park as a place of art and creativity in the city.

Spencer Smith Park - play area

Pop Up Art project will take place in Spencer Smith Park near the play area.

Children and adults can join the play-space and add to a collaborative structure that will grow throughout the day.

It takes place in Spencer Smith Park, Saturday, June 3, 2017, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What you will see at 4:00 pm will be a lot different than what is seen at 11:00 am – the idea is to build on the ideas that are there when you arrive

Location: Spencer Smith Park, near the playground equipment

Lisa Hirmer pop up

Lisa Hirmer – to lead residents in a Pop Up art project in Spencer Smith Park.

Rain date will be Sunday, June 4, 2017.

The Pop-Up is being run by Lisa Hirmer, an interdisciplinary artist who has created publicly engaged projects across the world, including Harbourfront Centre (Toronto), Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Nuit Blanche (Toronto).

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