BURLINGTON, ON October 11, 2012 It’s going to get a little sticky in terms of traffic on Lakeshore road for the next couple of weeks – the Region is putting in a water main on Lakeshore Road between Martha Street and Old Lakeshore Road (east) in the City of Burlington. Construction starts on October 15th – this project is going to run through to parts of November.
The eastbound lane on Lakeshore Road will be closed for up to two weeks, from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. During those times, eastbound traffic will be rerouted along Old Lakeshore Road at Pearl Street. Local access to businesses will be maintained at all times.

Watermain work being done by the Regional government is going to tie up traffic on Lakeshore Road for the next while.
The eastbound lane on Lakeshore Road will be closed for up to two weeks, from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. During those times, eastbound traffic will be rerouted along Old Lakeshore Road at Pearl Street. Local access to businesses will be maintained at all times.
On Tuesday October 16, construction will occur within the intersection of Martha Street and Pine Street, between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., to install new isolation valves as part of the larger construction project. Through traffic will be maintained.
At the beginning of November, water main construction will move to Martha Street, closing the southbound lane between Pine Street and Lakeshore Road. At that time, southbound vehicles will be rerouted west along Pine Street to Pearl Street.
All construction and site restoration is expected to be finished by mid-December, weather permitting. Unfinished restoration work will be completed by spring 2013.
Which is just about the time the city hopes to have completed the pier. Will it be done before the pier?