Type as fast as you can talk - that's productivity. Bunch of guys in Burlington have created something they think is going to take off.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 7th, 2017



You will have heard the phrase – sector disruption” – which is when someone comes up with an idea that shakes up a sector of an industry.

disruptionApple did that with their iTunes service – record stores took a huge hit. Newspapers took it between the eyes when Craig’s List and decimated the classified advertising business that kept many newspapers alive.

These advances in technology have had massive impacts on the way we get things done.

Pause now – and agree with me – you can talk 200 words a minute can’t you? You probably know others who can as well and wish they didn’t continue to do that when you are around.

Can you type 200 words a minute? Most of us can’t – at least not with much in the way of accuracy.

Lily - screen shot

The screen you work from – but all you have to do is talk and your words appear on the screen.

What if you talked 200 words a minute and your computer captured those words which you could drop into a report or send out as an email.

You can talk into your cell phone and see the words come up on the screen. That feature is in actuality the Google speech to text feature that is built into Android phones.

Nine guys who have a converted store front they call their head office in the north west part of the city where the rents are low and parking usually isn’t a problem – and there is a decent coffee shop steps away, found a way to port that same Google speech to text feature to a desk top or lap top computer.

They called it LilySpeech and are marketing the service that costs $2.49 a month and you can cancel it any time you like.


Lily graphic

Download and install it and then whenever you want to use the program you click on the icon that will get dropped into your computer when you set up. All you have to do is talk away.

You do have to be quite specific.

You say:
The specifications are quite specific and the costing has been done period new line

You have to dictate the punctuation.

Lily - Jonathan Adams

There is nothing fancy about the head office set up. Lots of empty pizza boxes in a corner plus hours and hours of pouring over code to get LilySpeech just right. Type at 200 words a minute – and it works.

Jonathan Adams, one of the nine partners, believes he and his colleagues are on to something – they have completed the all the beta testing and have ironed out the bugs. “We keep adding additional features – small things that just make it better” he said.

How does it operate?

Once you’ve downloaded and registered a small icon will appear – on your computer – you click on that and LilySpeech shows up on your computer screen.

Then you start talking and LilySpeech generates the text in real time. When you have finished you click to transfer what you dictated to wherever you want it to appear; it could be a WORD file or an email.

LilySpeech is really a productivity tool – that has features that will save you a lot of time – especially for those tasks that are repetitive. You can set up a list of words that might be difficult for the speech to text software to pick up; scientific phrases that you use often. You’d say special word 5 and whatever that special word is will appear on the screen.

You can give the special word any definition – choose whatever works for you.

Productivity toolThis is a productivity tool for anyone who uses the same material over and over; marketing people will just love this feature. You create the message and save it – and when you are using LilySpeech you just go to the “Canned Answers” section click on the one you want, it drops into your document and you continue with your dictation.
Like anything new, it takes a little fiddling to get just what you want – but it comes easily.

LilySpeech is something well worth looking into – and at a price of $2.49 a month you can’t go wrong. A newspaper or a cup of coffee costs more than this service.

Log into www.LilySpeech.com and give it a go – there is a one month free trial.

You will be on your way to saving hours of time each day.

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