By Pepper Parr
December 30th, 2021
We are still doing it to ourselves.

The advice from the MoH is to get outside and get a lot of fresh air and stay in wear a mask whenever and wherever you can.
Last evening a reader reported there were between 120-130 people on the Discovery Pond ice rink or surrounding benches in Spencer Smith Park at one time and fewer than 10% were masked. Probably 10% of skaters were less than 5 years old and thus unvaccinated.
No social distancing.
“Show some leadership and require everyone to be masked up. Don’t wait for the overworked Halton Public Health Director to react” said Doug Cunningham.

Check out the data here. Look at the rates – cases per 100 000 people. You will see that the vaccinated are getting ill more than the unvaxed.
Lynn. Ontario government figures show as of Dec 31st
Fully vaccinated 77.3%
Partially vaccinated 83.3%
Unvaccinated 16.7%
If people in each category were getting infected at the same rate you would see those same percentages as a part of the total of all infected. But that is not the case.
Taking the numbers from the report you referenced those unvaccinated (236) represent 29% of the total of all those (814) infected. Those fully vaccinated (536) represent 66% of the total of all those (814) infected.
So 16.7% (unvaccinated) of the population accounts for 29% of all infections. Whereas 77.3% (fully vaccinated) of the population accounts for 66% of all infections.
As for the ICU numbers unvaccinated (16.7% 9f the population) makes up 62% of the 143 people in the ICU. The fully vaccinated (77.3% of the population) makes up 33% of the 143 in the ICU.
Simple conclusions are:- as an unvaccinated person you are way more likely to get infected and if infected way more likely to end up in the ICU.
These conclusions are all extrapolated from the report you cited.
Talk about total confusion. “The science table also noted there was a 12.4 per cent reduction for people who are fully vaccinated with at least two doses in regards to contracting COVID-19 compared to those who are unvaccinated.” which we read as 12.4 per cent larger chance of the unvaccinated getting COVID than vaccinated. If there were no vaccinations does this mean 12.4% of Canadians would get COVID. Sorry our brains are stretched beyond their limits on this and Anne worked in the health care field so the rest of the community have our sympathy. In the meantime we keep ourselves to ourselves, wear a KN 95 mask outside our home, and inside if maintenance people have to enter. We social distance probably around 3-4 metres, no matter where we are, (we have not been to church in two years and that was at least a weekly occurrence pre-COVID). Last but not least we hope and pray this ends before our three youngest grandchildren believe we live on a computer screen as that is the only way they have seen us except on two occasions since the end of 2019.
Lynn G – you peddle misinformation. The data in the Spec today says 5 years plus is 81.3% fully and all population is 77.6% fully.
A far cry from 90%. The rest of your numbers are crap too.
With the explosion we are in right now of Omicron, Xmas holidays, and openings, coming in the exponential growth we can see, we have a lot to worry about, and life as you put it is very far off.
So get real.
Lets go with simple data. December 31st there were 16 713 cases. 13 436 of those in the fully vaxed. 2 278 in the unvaxed. But we both know, this data does not have a lot of meaning, so we need to go with rates. So, out of 100 000 people, 80 fully vaxed people have been identified as havng covid. But, for the unvaxed, this number is 60 people out of 100 000 people have covid. No news will repor this data except for the number of cases which causes fear amongst everyone. I know people who have died of “covid”, but I also know that the medical system have been restricted from percripbing treatment that WORKS. Do your OWN research… do not use google, it’s all censored. Use Duck Duck Go and look up, really look up how Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquin WORK. Look up how damaging this vaccine. When you get news from sources that have NOT been paid off by the government (including this news source – a few thousand dollars), you will see the truth. A word on Children. I know more people harved by the covid jab than by covid. All I say is stop getting your news from souces bought off by the government. Do your OWN research, you life depends on it.
Still the same January 1, 2022
People are skating. Besices, 90% of the population is vaccinated… that means, 105 people on that ice rink are vaccinated. So, what is the worry? We just need to get on with life.
Yes, get on with life but take all reasonable precautions against infecting others or being infected. So simple things like wearing a mask, even outside, when in close proximity to others is a reasonable precaution that every member of the public should take.
Getting on with life does not mean behave as if the pandemic is over.
Lynn G, I trust you concur.
Thanks Tom Muir we all must come down heavy on those whose lack of respect for the facts bring harm to tbeir community.
Yes, get on with life but take all reasonable precautions against infecting others or being infected. So simple things like wearing a mask, even outside, when in close proximity to others is a reasonable precaution that every member of the public should take.
Getting on with life does not mean behave as if the pandemic is over.
What action did your reader take ?