BURLINGTON, ON June 11, 2012 It wasn’t exactly a busy, busy week on the pier front but if you listened carefully you would have heard the sound of a jackhammer out there.
And the portion of the platform that snuggles up to the walkway along Spencer Smith Park was getting a very minor design change that had been approved some time ago.
Large boulders were brought in to create a wall that, once it is all finished will see a walkway from the pier to the water’s edge and onto the natural beach that was formed when the pier base was built out into the lake, The small natural beach is one of the pluses for the community; probably the only plus we have had so far.
The transportation, cutting, welding, fabrication and then galvanizing the beams that will go back in is proceeding steadily. While everyone wants the pier completed by Sound of Music 2013 that date may slide and if the politicians are wise they might begin to slowly and quietly move away from that date.
We are going to do this – so let’s do it right and get the problems behind us.