BURLINGTON, ON. January 10, 2013 When the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (EFTO) announced they were going to hold a day of protest and not report for work the Halton Board had no choice other than to announce that schools would not be open.
The Board put out its notice which gave parents a scant 48 hours to find a place to put their kids for the day.
The protest on the part of the EFTO decision comes close behind an Ontario government decision to use Bill 115 (Putting Students First Act ) to impose contracts on teachers and education workers.
The teacher protest is against the Bill which was used by Ontario Education Minister Laurel Broten at the start of 2013 to impose contracts on teachers and education workers.
The teachers appear to be saying ‘we don’t give a damn’, we are angry and we want the public to know it. There will be all kinds of ‘toing’ and ‘froing’ about how irresponsible the teachers are while their union goes on about losing their democratic rights.
“The minister made a deliberate and provocative choice to wipe out the democratic rights of tens of thousands of educators rather than work towards a respectful solution,” said ETFO president Sam Hammond, in a news release.
“She could have taken our olive branch and waited for a new leader to try to find solutions, but she chose not to.”
Meanwhile parents scramble.
Museums Burlington is doing their bit to help out by opening up their community resource and offering their Museums as a program facility and service for learning and play on Friday January 11, 2013. They quite correctly called the service a Strike Camp – useful helping hand on the part of the Museum people.
Their program day would take place from 9:30am to 3pm at Joseph Brant Museum at a cost of $20 per child, not including lunch or refreshments.
You can get more information at 905-332-9888.