By Staff
April 9th, 2018
They aren’t going to be building many more of these; detached single family homes.
Close to the last development project for detached homes is underway at the intersection of Dundas and

Single family detached homes under construction at the intersection of Walkers Line and Dundas is close to the last the city will see.
Walkers Line is underway.
Former Director of Planning, now Deputy city manager, Mary Lou Tanner said a number of months ago that the land available for single family homes will permit not more than 800 new homes.
What the city can expect to see next are townhouses, stacked townhouses and back to back townhouses with much less space and a lot less in amenities.

A graphic from a development proposed for 2100 Brant shows the change that Burlington is experiencing. The existing community, shown in blue has 736 homes: the planned community, which is much much smaller is projected to have 233 units. That is what intensification s all about – and the locals don’t like it.
A development planned for 2100 Brant has raised the ire of residents in that community – National Homes has an application for 233 units that will be some form of townhouses with no park proposed for those 233 families.
It is going to be a different Burlington when they are all done.
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And what high school will these students go to?
I do believe “$$$ greed” by a city is the obvious answer to all this over intensification! If the City is saying that their will be “no more” land for single dwelling construction, then that should be the words for over intensification in areas that we cannot handle that quantity of density. Ontario is huge, Canada as a whole is not overpopulated, why, why are we trying to reach the sky to overpopulate when we can move some of this elsewhere?? The North needs population growth desperately, and we keep hoarding the population to Southern Ontario. Has anyone taken a look at what was Burlington’s beautiful waterfront to which now rests a “huge concrete blob” (all for money), that took away the beautiful views of million dollar real estate buildings, the grass and trees, bird and animal habitats, the light and clean air to the neighbouring buildings, and natures magnetic field. Does anyone from the City think that the firm decision back when, for this monstrosity today, could have imagined this impact to the lakefront and surrounding areas? Or, did they really care then? This to me is a “wake up call”!! No one has the crystal ball today to even imagine what the wants and likes of those 25 years from now will want. So, deal with todays issues, please the people of today, and all move on happily ever after. Keep heights low now, and allow for the City Planners in 2038-2043 to improve on what they decide going forward. Everyone is driving themselves crazy because we all know the infrastructure today will not take the density that the City is trying to brainwash everyone in thinking. (We have met the Government requirements!) Need some reality checks City of Burlington, and the show will be on the road!
It should be noted that at the meeting on the 2100 Brant Street development, the community stated that they aren’t opposed to townhouses, in fact there are townhouses nearby and many of those delegates live in those townhouses. The problems they have with the development centres on too much in too small an area, with no green space and severe encroachment on the backyards of nearby homes, in some cases a stone-throw away from existing backyards . Massive congestion and traffic issues were cited, as well as concerns about flooding. An interesting point that was made by more than one delegate was about the simple matter of snow removal: where to put the snow that will land on the minuscule front lawns when people clear their driveways, not to mention the snow from the interior roadways. When homes are being crammed in to such an extent that they need to think of contingencies for carting away snow, I’d say it’s over-intensification!
“It is going to be a different Burlington when they are all done.” Yup, the goal is ultimately to create overcrowded cities where the roads are so saturated you will get out of your car and onto mass transit. Too bad it won’t work, and the cost? Lower standard of living.
That will drive up the cost of single homes.
I moved to Burlington–many years ago now, for the quality of life that this City provided. I am appalled that the current politicians and bureaucrats are fixated in their infinite wisdom only on development and intensification–of which this proposed development on Brant Street is the latest manifestation. The quality of life of existing residents apparently plays no part of their grand design for Burlington.