By Staff
April 21st, 2022
Residents in the immediate area of the ADI Group development – Nautique; a 26 storey development that was controversial when it was just an idea.
ADI is asking for a noise exemption to allow construction until 11PM – Monday to Friday from May-September.
Resident have said this is totally unacceptable. In this area there are three senior complexes. Martha’s Landing, Pearl & Pine and also Martha’s Terrace.
The City of Burlington was unable to stop the height and intensification of this development but surely the city can prevent this noise extension from taking place. Those of us living in this area have a right not to have to listen to constant construction noises until 11PM.
ADI need to “suck it up” and comply with the existing by-law. They knew going in what were the requirements, and it is entirely unacceptable to expect local residents to put up with construction noise in the evening.
As for the development, when it is finished it will look as ugly, banal and overbearing as the rest of the monstrosities downtown. Sadly, whatever charm, character and uniqueness downtown Burlington once had is pretty much gone.
None of the High Rise Condos, blasting into the Lake Bed for parking etc. should ever have been allowed South of Lakeshore Shore Road. A flood disaster in waiting. Lake levels are changing and rising in our Global World of 2022.
Unfortunately, successive Provincial Governments and Burlington Councils have ignored the wishes of Citizens and Coastal Experts and given in to the ‘In for Profit, Out for Future’ problems. Even insurance companies are changing the rules.
The Hotel site is next! More noise, more cars, more…
. Just wondering- How did Oakville, and Mississauga manage to avoid “Condo” alley on their stretch of Old Hwy 2-Lakeshore?
This is the information I have received from Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns regarding the noise exemption suggested by ADI in letters that were sent to property managers in the area of the construction site.
Councillor Kearns after receiving emails voicing concern for this exemption immediately contacted the City’s By-Law team to advise them of this and received the following information.
“This request by ADI would certainly be denied.” Sharing with you that Construction Noise By-law Exemptions are only granted in limited circumstances where the technical nature of the work or safety requirements leave no reasonable alternative other than working outside approved hours. The decision to grant an exception is delegated to staff (versus Council) as it is a technical decision The exemptions are not intended to provide flexibility to a construction project.
A formal application from ADI has not yet been received by the City, tower, based on the information in the notice you received. It appears that ADI Developments may be requesting a general exemption to provide flexibility in how they conduct their work. THIS IS NOT THE INTENT OF THE EXEMPTION CLAUSE AND SUCH A REQUEST WOULD BE DENIED”.
Now we know who makes the decisions regarding this issue. Only public pressure will ensure that this request is denied.
This building was doomed from the start. It’s too large for the lot. There have been numerous construction delays because of the location. They want to cancel the contracts of the initial purchasers who won’t pay more for their unit, and now they want noise by-laws exemptions. Enough is enough. Admit defeat, Adi and stop the monstrosity.
And what is next?
I have a question was this noise exemption request discussed in a closed session?
“There was an “in camera” item on the agenda headed Construction Management Plan”.Was this directly related to the ADI noise exemption request?
If indeed the above was related to the ADI development on Lakeshore/Martha, should not the residents affected have access to this information prior to a decision would be made by council?
Once again the failure by the city/council to at least include the address information regarding this closed sessions rears its ugly head.
It is no wonder that the Integrity Commission Report concluded that more information needed to be included when the city agenda indicates a closed session.
3 senior complexes really close by. Can’t help themselfs. It is our duty to take care of our seniors! Noise of construction to 11:00 is nasty!!
The city can do a lot of things, but will it? This building should never have been approved. Now we are watching the poor folks who fell for their “low” prices suffering the consequences. What is the city doing?
Those living in the area are entitled not to have construction noise until 11PM from Monday-Friday, from May-September.
LPAT now OLT on appeal allowed ADI to construct a 28 storey building. This construction has been going on for years and has just reached ground level. Residents have been awakened early by construction vehicles etc. but at least the noise stopped to allow those in the area some quiet in the evening.
Across from the construction site are 2 senior buildings – Martha’s Landing and Martha’s Terrace. Pearl and Pine Senior Retirement Living is a block away.
Asking for a noise extension is not acceptable. The City of Burlington can certainly NOT grant this noise extension in an area where so many seniors are living.
Please consider emailing the city at to ask that this request be denied. I would suggest you copy the Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns at and the Mayor at