Where is our Member of Parliament?

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

May 11, 2106


We know where she sits in the House of Commons and we know she is there – as long as one subscribes to Tweets –

We know she speaks in the House of Commons because we can follow her speeches – but we are pressed to know what she is doing in the community because we seldom hear from her office

For the record – here is Liberal MP’s tweet traffic for the past few days along with comments she made on International trade.

Goldring and Gould

Karina Gould being congratulated by Mayor Goldring on the eve of he election win. Goldring had spent the evening in Conservative Mike Wallace’s campaign office until he had to go to the Gould victory party and congratulate her.

Gould May 11-16Karina Gould Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development
Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for her question.
Canada’s economic growth as a trading nation is directly linked to international trade. The government strongly supports free trade as a way to open markets to Canadian goods and services, grow Canadian businesses, and create good-paying middle-class jobs.

The scope of the trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) is significant. To re-state the oft-quoted figures, the TPP encompasses 800 million people in 12 countries with a combined GDP of $28 trillion U.S., covering nearly 40% of the world’s economy. It is also an agreement that was negotiated by the previous government.

Our pledge to Canadians is to ensure they are fully consulted on the outcomes of the TPP. Our job is to carefully review the text and continue to consult with Canadians. The government wants to ensure that Canadians can have a good look at the TPP and that they can ask questions and express their views on whether the agreement is in the best interests of Canadians.”

Can’t wait to learn when Gould is going to meet with Burlington business people on just what the TPP trade agreement will mean to Canada and how it might impact local business people that deal in international trade.

Gould proved to be a very strong campaigner – she was unrelenting during the election and used more than a year to build inroads into the community and took the seat from Mike Wallace. Many said that Gould didn’t win because she was the better candidate – they attributed her win to the close to total collapse of the NDP vote.

It is clear now that the public bought into what Justin Trudeau was saying and that they had has enough of Stephen Harper. Gould had convinced enough people that she was worth more than a chance.

The task now for Gould is to consolidate the win and build strong relationships with the community. We’ve not seen all that much of her since the New Years levee.

She was seen at the photo op when the Art Gallery of Burlington took possession of a van for their Road Show initiatives.

Gould will be the focus for a Chamber of Commerce BBQ event in July  where members can rub shoulders with MP who is also the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development.



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3 comments to Where is our Member of Parliament?

  • craig gardner

    Karina Gould and Eleanor McMahon were both at our Terry Fox Monument unveiling at Spencer Smith Park today (along with the Mayor and Councillor Mead-Ward) and both were speaking with anyone who wanted to speak with them.

  • Doug

    If you are the mpp, it is best not to be around, you might have to answer why your leader is not in jail.

  • Walter

    What about the other Burlington MP, Pam Damoff.
    Have not heard much from her