Will thousands of citizens turn out for a public re-affirmation of the Oath of Citizenship this Sunday?

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

June 9th, 2017



This Sunday in Spencer Smith Park, on the Sound of Music TD stage there will be a ceremony at which Canadians will have the opportunity to stand and re-affirm their Oath of Citizenship.

The event will be led by the Mayor and the event will be short.  It takes place at 2:00 pm at the Sound of Music TD stage

The oath goes like this:

I affirm
That I will be faithful
And bear true allegiance
To her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
Queen of Canada
Her Heirs and Successors
And that I will faithfully observe
The laws of Canada
And fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.

Canadian flagAmericans hold their hand over their heart when they make statements like this – we Canadians just stand.

Most of us will be holding a piece of paper reading the words because most of us have probably never said them even once in our lives.

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy, something most Canadians don’t realize either. We are quick to say that we live in one of the best countries in the world – and that would be true.

Canadian flag at Quebec referendum

During the Quebec referendum tens of thousands of Canadians took part in moving a huge Canadian flag through the crowds. They want the country to remain united as one.

Keeping it that way for the future is going to be a challenge which we are certainly up to.

As I read the Oath I wondered what other people will think about that “bear true allegiance” phrase – and I wonder as well how many people will be out on Sunday in Spencer Smith Park following the Mayor as we re-affirm our duties as Canadian citizens.

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2 comments to Will thousands of citizens turn out for a public re-affirmation of the Oath of Citizenship this Sunday?

  • CMG

    There was free parking to be had. There were not a thousand people! Hard to say how many participated. As for me, I got all choked up, as I always do when it comes to things patriotic. Off to Ottawa for Canada Day. I should be a complete mess by then! Glorious day!

  • Alide Camilleri

    I would love to attend the service, but finding parking is too hard on a busy weekend. As for the American habit of putting the hand on the heart, better we stand straight and mean the words, rather than commit a theatrical, meaningless gesture. We are Canadians and don’t need to imitate our neighbors.