With the Cleanup done Burlington Green now prepares for the Green Up - they will be city building in the full sense of that phrase.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

April 26, 2015



The man in the green T shirt on the left is a member of the provincial government who was in town a few wars ago to announce funding for BG to plant tree seedlings in the Beachway.

The announcement was made a number of years ago – the province created a Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund that funnelled money into the city via BurlingtonGreen to plant seedlings in the Beachway area where the environmentally sensitive sand dunes need plants and tress to anchor the sand.

The BG people were given $12,960 by the province for the planning, creation of three new signs, supplies, plant and tree stock

After a very successful Clean Up event last weekend – 11,000 plus people took part – Burlington Green is holding a Green Up event – collaborating with Halton Region, Conservation Halton and the city.

GreenUp trees in Beachway

Seedlings planted in 2015 in the Beachway – what will they look like in 20 years?

Hundreds of seedlings will be planted and invasive species of flora will be pulled out and trashed. The Region, Conservation and city work with Burlington Green to determine the location of all the plantings and interpretive signs.

The Clean Up involved thousands – the Green Up is limited to just 100 volunteers. The planting of the seedlings is city building at its most fundamental level – the plants that are pushed into the ground are going to be there hundreds of years from now. It will be a warm, welcome experience for the 100 volunteers to walk through the Beachway in 20 years and see their trees growing.

The Region is beavering away on a plan to totally revise the Beachway from the community it now is to a rather spectacular park. The planting of trees now is all part of the evolution of that community.

The Green Up event takes place on Saturday May 28 – runs from 8:45 to 12:45 with refreshments being served.

The sands on Beachway do shift.

The sands on Beachway do shift.

Much of the Beachway is a dune, the only one in the Region and very environmentally sensitive.  The sands in th area actually shift over time.

BurlingtonGreen members water plants and shrubs they planted along the Beachway Park earlier in the year. One of their ongoing programs

BurlingtonGreen members water plants and shrubs they planted along the Beachway Park two years ago. Volunteers will be in the area late in May to continue this work

If you want to be part of this event – go on line and register – there is room for just 100 people – they will be city building for that half day.

BG volunteers have been doing this work since 2013. This year they will be planting native trees and plants.

Register HERE.


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1 comment to With the Cleanup done Burlington Green now prepares for the Green Up – they will be city building in the full sense of that phrase.

  • Martin Vandenberg

    So they planted all that lovely stuff so hydro could destroy it all again. Way to coordinate things Burlington. What’s your next brilliant move. Waste treatment plant by the beach. Brilliant thinking for your tourism.
    Trying to get rid of the beach homes community. For what purpose? Oh,that’s right , so you can put a park beside your shit plant and pretend you’re being environmentally friendly. Thanks for being thoughtful Burlington. You have been batting that 1000 you’ve always dreamed about. Unfortunately you’re facing backwards and hitting all your line drives into peoples faces.