Word from the Oakville North Burlington MPP on the Provincial Review raises hope in the mind of at least one resident.

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 23rd, 2019



A Gazette reader sent us a copy of a letter he got from the Oakville North Burlington MPP
Effie Triantafilopoulos that he thought would interest readers.

“I thought it might interest you that I received a reply from Effie. If the criteria being considered are actually as listed in Effie’s reply, Halton should be left alone. I live in hope.”

“Our government is committed to improving the way regional government works and is looking at ways to make better use of taxpayers’ dollars and make it easier for residents and businesses to access important municipal services. The review is considering whether changes are needed to ensure that regional governments are working efficiently and effectively so they can continue to provide the vital services that communities depend on.

Fenn and Seiling

Michael Fenn and Ron Seiling, the members of the Provincial Review panel put in place by Premier Ford are expected now to see their report, which is believed to be complete, made public in 2020

“Ontario’s system of regional government has been in place for almost 50 years. The review is examining Ontario’s eight regional municipalities (Halton, York, Durham, Waterloo, Niagara, Peel, Muskoka District, and Oxford County), the County of Simcoe, and their lower-tier municipalities. I believe it’s important to remember that these regions are very different and what is recommended for one region may be completely different from what is recommended for others.

“In consultation with municipalities and the public, the Special Advisors will work with the province to determine:

• If the way regions are governed is working for the people;
• How to make it easier for communities to access municipal services, such as public health, public transit, and building permits;
• How to deliver efficient and effective local services that respect taxpayers’ money;
• Ways to make municipalities open for business; and
• Opportunities to cut red tape and duplication and save costs.

Halton map cropped

The Region of Halton as it is today.

City of Halton map

Region of Halton, which some think might become the city of Halton and look something like this.

“I am grateful that you shared your views with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of assistance to you.”

Residents who live in the Burlington riding where Jane McKenna is the MPP wish they could get replies like this from their MPP.  Those who have actually received a reply complain that they are being misled or lectured.

We have a federal election to deal with before we hear anything from the Provincial Review Panel Premier Doug Ford put in place.

Most recent word is that there will be something made public early in the New Year.

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9 comments to Word from the Oakville North Burlington MPP on the Provincial Review raises hope in the mind of at least one resident.

  • WeLoveBurlington

    Unfortunately, there is nothing new here and, frankly, nothing even remotely interesting. This response from Effie T. is her stock, form letter response to the constituent letters that she has received over the past few months. The one received today by one of our group is identical to one received by one of our followers two months ago and to this one sent to the ubiquitous “Gazette reader”. And it all bears the common messaging of Queen’s Park Centre. Indeed, the letter that WeLoveBurlington received last week from Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, carries all of these messages and, frequently, in identical language. So, if we take marks away for originality, then I suppose we must award some for consistency. We see no hope here – only the rigours of a very carefully controlled communications program with common messaging, common lexicon and common functional tenor. We actually prefer the somewhat ‘off-message’, almost eccentric responses of Ms. McKenna who adamantly predicts that “There are no plans to amalgamate ANY of the municipalities in Halton Region by the provincial government.” or chastises us with a hearty “The idea that amalgamation is suddenly not on the table due to lobbying efforts here in Halton Region is disingenuous.” (cf. email to one of our group, dated July 30, 2019) So, to paraphrase our other MPP ‘there are no plans to amalgamate and, if there were, they certainly weren’t abandoned due to your efforts”. Thank you Jane – your dialogue with us may make the spin-masters cringe but it’s much more fun than the ‘snore-fest’ that we’ve received from virtually everyone else. The MegaCity, in substance if not actual form, is very much on the table people. Please look beyond the form letters and, if you have time, tune in to the State of the Town address by Mayor Burton of Oakville this evening (7:00 pm).

  • Carol Victor

    It is never inevitable and no amalgamation with Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills is not a good fit!
    We need to show our disdain by writing to Doug Ford…writing to McKenna is a waste of time…she is denier of the highest order!!!! She does not represent the interests of Burlington, she is a puppet of the conservative regime.

  • Steve W

    Conversely after receiving that same letter, it was not encouraging to me, but at least she responded. The other politicians contacted by We Love Burlington petition link that generated this, have not responded. Sadly I think it’s a done deal. Ford is hell bent on reducing electoral representation at all levels.

  • david barker

    Stephen. Well said !

  • S.C. Gardner

    Getting and sort of response from this mpp is a miracle in and of itself

  • Stephen White

    If Doug Ford’s government proceeds with this cockamamie proposal to unite Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills into one large city then they deserve whatever hell, fire and brimstone descends on their heads! Study after study has shown there are no economies to be gained through amalgamation. The experience from the Toronto amalgamation is proof enough that centralization does not automatically lead to cost reductions. The focus should be upon improving service delivery to the public, eliminating outdated practices, and streamlining internal operations.

    This government is already skating on thin ice, and they have burned through a significant amount of support and goodwill in just one year in office. While it is encouraging to see some of the measures taken by Education Minister Stephen Lecce and Todd Smith, the Minister of Children, Community & Social Services, to correct the significant policy missteps of their PC predecessors, there is much more that needs to be done to reassure Ontarians that we have a credible government in place. They need to spend less time worrying about new license plates, beer in corner stores and silly stickers on gas pumps, and more time on substantive measures to materially improve the economy, the environment, and the lives of ctiizens.

  • david barker

    One question I have only obliquely related to this article is “Does Jane McKenna really exist or us she fictional just like Max Headroom?”.

    Younger crowd will probably have no knowledge of Max.

  • Steve

    My first choice is too keep the status quo, but I’m reminded of the old days when Hamilton was eager to swallow up Burlington. We lost our “largest town in Canada” status fighting that attempt. It’s only a matter of time before they try again. Amalgamation with, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills is a much better fit. Perhaps it’s inevitable.

  • Carol Victor

    Our Conservative MPP says all this talk of amalgamation is fake news…the provincial Conservatives don’t don’t want to spring this on us until after the Federal election ….their plan is to hold off until Scheer and his cronies win and we won’t have any say in the matter…
    Let this be a lesson ..a federal PC vote means no voice in the future of our City.