329 healthy food packages were handed out to students this weekend - they didn't include turkeys.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

October 10th, 2016



As we move into the Thanksgiving weekend teachers in the Region use one of their Professional development days which closes the schools for four days.

Most of us will sit at tables filled with platters of food and enjoy time with our families.

It is weekends like this that keep the volunteers at Food4kids busy – they pack food for kids that go home to a fridge that is pretty empty – no turkey on their plates.

Gayle Kabbash reports that 329 healthy food packages were given to children in Halton and 758 in Hamilton this week. “Our numbers will increase as we are higher at this time of year than last year.”

Food4kids - bag + apple

Food in a bag.

Food4kids is just one organization that helps students in need – there are a lot more of them than most people are prepared to admit.

Sheri  Armstrong, with the Learning Foundation reported that just 16 days into the school year there were 80 request for aid; compared with the 40 at the same time last year.

The Halton Learning Foundation (HLF) partners with individuals, corporations and community foundations to eliminate financial barriers to education for public school students in Acton, Burlington, Georgetown, Milton and Oakville.

They provide assistance through emergency funds for students-in-need, post-secondary scholarships, and engagement funds that help schools purchase tools and resources to engage students in learning.

With public support, HLF helps ensure that every student of the Halton District School Board has the chance to fit in at school, to have the same experiences as their peers, to be engaged in learning, and to explore possibilities for the future.

The Learning Foundation has provided Eliminating Barriers funds to virtually every school in communities across Halton. The majority of Burlington schools (95 per cent) have received Eliminating Barriers funds to help students in the last two years.


Thanksgiving – food on the table.

The odds are that there is more than one students in the life of your children who are in need of the basics like food or clothing or who are unable to participate in the class trip or other school activities.

We have much to be Thankful for today – hopefully we will find a way to help those that don’t have quite enough.

Halton Learning Foundation –

Food4kids –

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