By Staff
October 5th, 2016
It was difficult to fully understand how grim things were at the intersection of Appleby Line and Harvester Road until you get the hear the squealing of pigs trapped in a truck that flipped over on its side when the driver lost control.
A reported 40 pigs were killed in the accident – those that got out of the trailer were walked to the slaughterhouse.
A 49 year old woman Anna Krajnc was arrested for obstructing police and released on a Promise to Appear in court.
It was hectic at the accident site and very difficult for people who cared about the animals.
I think it is important for people to hear the truth.
Those people who have not sworn off meat should hear this!
These are living breathing feeling beings and try do not deserve this treatment !
There were injured pigs left for hours with no medical attention .
They were of no use to Fearmans as they were considered downed and they left them to die.
Those that didn’t died were shot and carted off like garbage onsite in spite of pleas by several animal sanctuaries who
would have gladly taken them.
This is the reality for farm animals in Canada today and the general public needs to know this.
The meat and dairy industries cleverly hide all of this behind their expensive marketing campaigns.
In reality most farm animals today live and die suffering horrendously!
Please keep publishing articles and videos like this so the public can make their own informed decision .
This is reporting otherwise you are simply choosing to hide the truth.
This upset me deeply. I really didn’t expect this from the Gazette. Yes, of course, I could have refrained from opening the link. It is one thing to see the tragedy of stunned pigs being coralled into the slaughterhouse, but to HEAR them squealing in sheer terror was enough for me, who has already sworn off beef, stop eating all meat. It is just all too barbaric for me. Please don’t post anything like this again.