By Staff
October 4th, 2021
What would we do without them?
Every adult can pause and think about a specific teacher they had and remember fondly the part they played in your growing up.

Introducing a child to books has to be one of the most gratifying things a teacher gets to do – they do it every day don’t they?
The Halton District School Board is proud to recognize World Teachers’ Day on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021, as proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
World Teachers’ Day has been held on October 5 since 1994 to celebrate teachers around the world and commemorate the anniversary of signing the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which sets standards for the rights and responsibilities of teachers. Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s theme is, “Teachers at the heart of education recovery”.
“The Halton District School Board values and recognizes the incredible work, dedication and commitment our teachers have made to their students, families and profession particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Curtis Ennis, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board.

The teacher that works with high school students taking them through the complex issues – you remember them for life.
“Our teaching staff have persevered and continue to demonstrate a desire and willingness to provide the best education to our students. Given the mental health strain the past few years has brought on many students, HDSB teachers have been sensitive and attentive to the needs of students who have been learning in-person or remotely. Educators have shown their resilience and determination to ensure every student is provided collaborative, safe and welcoming learning environments to learn from, grow with and inspire each other. We appreciate and thank crucial support teams that assist teachers in providing a respectful place of learning for all students, free from discrimination.”

An excellent article. I certainly remember three outstanding teachers who made a significant difference in my life. The first was David Brown who taught science in Grades 6 and 7 at Hillcrest PS in East Hamilton. His classroom was filled with exhibits and was a living zoo; he took us on field trips into RedHill Creek and engendered a love of nature that I have made a part of my life for the past 60 years. The second was made Grade 10 & 11 English teacher, Morris Wolfe, who not only helped me to write better but who made us think–you couldn’t utter a statement in his class unless you were prepared to back it up with some concrete evidence. And lastly, the Dean in charge of my master’s program, Dr. Fraser Isbister, a brilliant mind and genuine down-to-earth individual who pushed me to excel at a higher level (I also miss the bridge games at his house following class).
Yes teachers, in all forms need celebrating. We tend to only think of school teachers. There are the parents who have decided to home school for example. Perhaps the most touching story we ever heard was of the Sunday school teacher who only had one student in her class and year after year she ended up teaching this single student.. The teacher felt greatly under-utilized until this student finally graduated from Sunday School and she began teaching a group of children as is the norm. That’s not the end of the story though. Imagine the blessing she received when her student Billy Graham built on the foundation she gave him and became who he was. Anne had tne privilege of attending one of his rallies in UK 60 years ago and what he taught her in that 1 hour rally became the foundation of who we both are and what we do as we try to follow his teaching on love thy neighbor as thyself.