A scammer using Pay Pal to attract your attention.

Crime 100By Staff

December 7th, 2018



Pay Pal is a service that many people use, especially when they want to transfer funds to people or places out of the country.

While it is a little on the pricey side – it is convenient and it works. There are a lot of small companies that rely on it.

The Gazette uses the service. Seeing an email advising us that a payment has been received is not an unusual thing.

So when this message advised that a payment had arrived it would have been natural to click on the message.

That would have been an expensive click for us. The message was phony. What were the clues. Look at the message:Pay Pal scam

Pay Pal scan 2

Looks legit – but look again at the message line that is at the top of every eamil – telling you who it came from:

Pay pal scam 3

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