A small number of families took part in the 30-60 Winter Challenge - enough to build upon.

eventsred 100x100By Pepper Parr

February 24th 2020



The weather certainly co-operated.

30-60 challenge

There was some really good snow which helped make the December, January and February, 30/60 Winter Play Challenge the success the city believes it was

Residents were challenged to participate in the 30/60 Winter Play Challenge where individuals, families or groups had to complete 30 activities in 60 days. The team that completed the most activities and had the most points won a grand prize.

The challenge encouraged the community to get outside and play.

Winter fun 1

That is an impressive snow fort – word on who the family is or what part of the city they are located in. Kudos to them for participating.

There were 101 activities that teams could complete. Activities included things like building a snowman, hiking, making an indoor fort and making a meal together. One team completed all 101 activities. In total 34, teams of 2-6 members participated.

One of the activities was “write City Hall”. One family took them up on it.

“Firstly, we would love to thank you for the opportunity to enjoy such a fun game. We are truly blessed to live in such a great city.”

“I love the variety of things that I’ve done during this challenge that never would have occurred to me to do! I also really love that it kept me thinking “what can I do today” every day which really helps to stay active in the winter months.”

Winter fun 2

That looks like a conga line – before the heavy snow hit the ground.

“You have also inspired us to explore further! We got a map of Burlington which shares all the parks and our goal for 2020 is to visit and explore each one at least once!”

Terry Milewski, Supervisor of Marketing and Sponsorship said: “This was our first year running this program in the winter and we are overwhelmed with the success of it. We even had to add more activities because the participants loved it so much, they breezed through all 30 original activities. We’re so happy people found this such a worthwhile and fun event. We are looking forward to starting up another challenge this summer.”

Overwhelmed with just 34 teams is a bit of a stretch but it is a good start and certainly worth building upon.

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