Are more than the colours of the fall leaves changing in Burlington?

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

October 13, 2015


During the drive to the tens of thousands of Thanksgiving dinners that took place across the province during the weekend – one could not miss the turning of the colours of the trees.

The change in season was taking place right before our eyes.


The changes in the foliage tells us that the season is changing – right before our eyes. What else is changing?

The political pundits had this as the weekend that families would gather around their homes and vigorously debate how the current federal election was going to roll out.

I took part in two such dinners, one with good friends and another with people I’d never met before. There was a candidate’s sign in the driveway of the location that was new to me – comments from the other guests were quiet – the owner of the home had apparently changed his colours and decided he had to vote for what he felt was best for the country.

Orange had changed to red – and for the most part the tenor of the really large gathering was that this is what was necessary for the country to recover.
As to what the country had to recover from – that was all over the map.

With the Liberals six points ahead and the new Democrats struggling to find what they need it appears to have become a race between the Liberals and Conservatives in Burlington – and this race is far from decided.

There was a point at which many suspected the core Conservative vote was going to hold in Burlington – but there were signs of some wiggle – one of which was the change in tone from Mike Wallace, the Conservative candidate, who began to explain that while Prime Minister Harper may not been all warm and cuddly – he was still the best leader for the country.

When a candidate has to explain his leader shortcoming core voters often feel less of an obligation to vote the way they have for generations.
Burlington is still very much up for grabs – this riding is going to be won in the trenches and on the 19th it will depend on how well each side gets out and pulls in the vote.

The new riding of Oakville North Burlington appears to have decided it wants Liberal Pam Damoff to represent them

The colours of the leaves are indeed changing.

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2 comments to Are more than the colours of the fall leaves changing in Burlington?

  • John

    “The vote for Prime Minister should be a seperate ballot, not aligned with party politics.” That means you want to change the Canadian constitution. Good luck with that.

  • Bryce Lee

    I have already voted in the advance polls.

    Mike Wallace has been good for Burlington;
    sadly his leader and his party have not.

    Our system sadly promotes the leader
    of the vote winning party as Prime

    Ideally, we should vote
    for the local canadiate.

    The vote for Prime Minister should
    be a seperate ballot, not aligned
    with party politics.