Are the provincial political parties moving to an election footing? Sounds like it.

News 100 blueBy Staff

February 7th, 2017



The provincial government isn’t going to take too much guff from Patrick Brown, leader of the Progressive Conservative opposition party.

Brown, MPP for Simcoe North and leader of the opposition was speaking to the Ontario Road Builders Association where, according to the Ontario Ministry of Transpiration he “made a number of false statements about the province.

“Facts Still Matter in Ontario”, said the Ministry spokesperson, “especially when it comes to the historic amount of transportation infrastructure being built right now across the province.”

Brown said: “We want to make sure that historic infrastructure $130 billion is actually spent on infrastructure not spent simply on, on promises, on press releases”

Fact: Cost of the new GO station in Richmond Hill: $22 million, cost of the press release announcing it was open: $0, cost of catching Patrick Brown making up facts: priceless

Brown said: “We have become the capital of red tape in North America”

Fact: The CFIB nominated has nominated the Ontario government for its golden scissors award for cutting red tape 3 years in a row. This year the government received two nominations.

Brown said: “Projects need to start within mandate… It’s an insincere commitment promising something for 2019 or 2031”

Fact: Meaningful projects take longer than 4 years to build. If Patrick Brown won’t build anything that takes longer than 4 years that means he wouldn’t build any new subways or LRT’s.

Brown said: “The biggest announcement was for Hydro One, government said we’d get money for infrastructure. Of the first $4 billion sold, 0 went into infrastructure, money has been diverted to general revenue”

Fact: All of this money went into the Trillium Trust to be spent on projects like like GO Regional Express Rail, Mississauga and Hamilton LRT’s and the recently announced natural gas expansion.

Brown said: “I believe we’ve seen lip service to infrastructure over the last 10 years but we’re not seeing shovels in the ground”

MOT Waterloo LRT

Waterloo LRT under construction

MOT Eglington LRT

Eglington LRT in Toronto

Fact: Here are some pictures of shovels in the ground






Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne speaks at the hearings into the gas plant cancellations at Queen's Park in Toronto on December 3, 2013. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Mark Blinch

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne

Do you get the impression that the political parties are moving to an election footing.  Premier Wynne just might call a snap election if she can find an issue to run with.

Stay tuned

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4 comments to Are the provincial political parties moving to an election footing? Sounds like it.

  • Pete

    These isn’t a fact-check. This is a spin-check. Looks like Patrick Brown is getting under the Liberals’ skin.
    I think Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal friends should spend more time trying to fix the hydro mess they’ve left us or into building bridges that are actually the right side up.

  • B. Wayne

    Fact is Wynne is running at 16% approval. Please call a snap election and disappear like Dalton.
    One can only hope for the sake of the Province.

  • Stephen White

    Right you are James!

    And let’s not forget: Hydro generating plant cancellations in the midst of an election campaign that cost $1.1 billion, the Air ORNGE fiasco, e-Health cost overruns of $2 billion, crippling Hydro rates, etc. Those are all “facts” too which the Liberal government would like us all to forget.

    Unfortunately for Ms. Wynne and her government, many of us don’t have poor memories.

  • James

    Funny how “facts” can be skewed to the left or right depending on the position of the person stating those “facts”. Take this article for example, where the “facts” presented slant decidedly Liberal. As with most cases, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The “facts” as I see them point to Wynne and her party having been an absolute disaster for Ontarians. Absolute. Disaster. No matter how much backpedalling she may attempt to do now, her political career is in trouble, and that’s a fact.