Brand new pool - yet to be officially opened is closed for unexpected preventative maintenance.

notices100x100By Staff

July 20th, 2017



Nelson Pool Service Interruption – Lap Swim Cancelled Friday July 21, 2017

Nelson pool renderingThe lap swim at Nelson Pool will be cancelled from 8:30am-10am on Friday July 21, 2017 due to unexpected preventative maintenance.

The pool will be open for regular service at 10:30am.

Hold on – isn’t this a brand new swimming pool that has been operating since July 8th and is getting ready for its official opening in August – with the Mayor and the Ward Councillor in attendance?

What is it this time?

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2 comments to Brand new pool – yet to be officially opened is closed for unexpected preventative maintenance.

  • Anna

    ‘unexpected’ on the pool closures almost always means someone puked/pooped in the pool and a regular shocking (which closes the pool for a half hour or so) wasn’t enough to get the chemicals right again.

  • Brian Jones

    Hope it isn’t a spin off of New Street