Brant, Hemmingway Drive and Upper Middle Road - get ready for dust and delays - water mains being replaced.

notices100x100By Staff

August 8th, 2016


Notice of Construction –

Brant Street, Hemmingway Drive and Upper Middle Road, August to December, 2016

The Region of Halton is installing and replacing water mains on Brant Street, Upper Middle Road and Hemmingway Drive from August to December 2016.

New street paving

New street got a new layer of asphalt after a full month of dust and traffic delays while water maims and sewage pipes were upgraded.

New Street from Guelph Line east to Martha had water mains replaced in July – the dust was terrible – and traffic delays were annoying.  They did lay down a new layer of asphalt – nice road now.

Contract Number: W-2898B-16

Scheduled Start Date: August 2016
Scheduled Completion Date: December 2016

Contractor: Ground Breakers Contracting Ltd
Project Manager: Gabrielle Feuvrier
905-825-6000, ext. 7417

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