By Pepper Parr
March 12, 2015
In a democratic society the people can address those they elected to have their grievances or wishes heard in a public setting.
Katherine Henshell, a layer who ran for the ward 1 seat in the last municipal election has addressed city council with a grievance.
We set it out for you.
I would like to discuss Aldershot’s Solid Gold Strip Club.
I have brought my request to Councillor Craven’s Office on 3 separate occasions and each request has gone unanswered.
I suppose he does not have time for me as I have sought to petition the City of Burlington to turn his house into a park for ornithologists, and then, I ran against him in the City election.
It does not bother me that he chooses to not respond, although, I did take it personal when he tried to run my car off the road while he was bombing along Bayshore Boulevard. It wasn’t so much that I was driving the car – it was that I had my 12 day old daughter in the car and I had to swerve up into the neighbour’s yard to avoid getting hit. (By the way, I sought an apology but none was granted.)
Since November 2015, my new baby has kept me busy but it hasn’t stopped me from aggressively trying to expand my husband’s and my grocery store, and scope out and manage a new development of affordable housing for seniors. Of course, this is on top of running my law firm in downtown Burlington and managing my husband’s and my other real estate and business interests.
In any event, the issue with Solid Gold needs to be addressed. It is currently Aldershot’s largest commercial retail/service business west of Francis Street. That is embarrassing. A number of other factors are equally disturbing about this business.
1. It is located on Plains Road which is the busiest street in Aldershot;
2. It borders on 2 residential neighbourhoods;
3. It has 6 – 8 hotel room doors which open on Plains Road and across from a residential community;
4. It has the largest square footage of any retail service business in Aldershot west of Francis Street;
5. It is located within 550 metres of Aldershot High School;
6. Children from grades 7 – 12 walk past the strip club to and from school everyday;
7. Children from grades 7 – 12 walk past the strip club to go to Wendy’s for lunch everyday; and
8. It shouldn’t need to be said about the degradation of women and other issues which are additionally appalling about the operation of a strip club.
Additionally, I was driving home from Pizza Pizza (at King Road) one Friday evening with our family’s dinner and I noticed a few young children in girls’ soccer uniforms outside the Dairy Queen. It was a nice sight to see. Then I drive down Plains Road past the Strip Club and 3 – 4 strippers (wearing stripper’s outfits) were standing on the sidewalk on Plains Road waving the cars into the parking lot in broad daylight. I was immediately disturbed that those young soccer players might take the same route home and drive past the strippers as well. This shouldn’t happen in Burlington (or anywhere for that matter). (I telephoned the Halton Regional Police when I returned home and they indicated that they would look into it as they had also received other calls about the incident.)
In conclusion, Mr. Craven is well aware of the above issues as he and I travel the same route to work every day and he passes the Strip Club twice a day like I do. He has chosen to be non-responsive to my request for a decision of his position on the matter.
The children of Aldershot do not need a Strip Club, nor do they need to see a Strip Club, nor do they need to ask questions about a Strip Club too prematurely.
The destruction of the entire commercial sector in Aldershot has created Solid Gold to now stand out as it is the largest retail service building in Aldershot on a huge piece of land. It has become the centerpiece of Aldershot.
Giving birth to a 10 pound 15 ounce baby has not slowed me down – it has only given me more energy to “do the right thing” and that is to speak up against this Strip Club. The Village Vision of Aldershot does not need this landmark business to continue to be Solid Gold.
I humbly seek council to add a discussion of this issue to the agenda. I am certain that other parties will want to express their opinions on the matter as well.
Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Henshell once played as goalie – she now plays defense. Now wants to run interference at city council
Ms Henshell has been seeking a meeting with Councillor – to date a meeting has not taken place. In a recent email to the Councillor Ms Henshell had this to say.
I don’t know why I continue to email you as you continuously fail, refuse or neglect to return any type of correspondence sent by myself.
The fact remains that Solid Gold Strip Club is Aldershot’s largest retail/commercial services location.
Any concerned resident would be appalled at that fact.
You have taken no issue with the existence of Solid Gold Strip Club as you have done nothing in your entire sitting as Ward One Councillor.
The current facts of Solid Gold are as follows:
1. Location within 550 m from a primary/high school;
2. Adjacent to 2 residential neighbourhoods;
3. Strippers stand on the street and wave in cars;
4. By the hour hotel rooms for rent adjacent to a major street;
5. Largest retail business in Aldershot; and
6. Countless issues surrounding the entrapment and abuse of women in the sex trade industry.
I write to advise that as a result of your inexcusable absence from the issue, you have forced me to reach out to my contacts and resources and bring this issue to light.
Please be advised that I will inform all my contacts and resources that you have been of NO ASSISTANCE to me in this issue and that you refuse to even respond to me.
I have given you every opportunity to be on the side of moral integrity, however, you have chosen otherwise.
I urge you to put this item on the agenda so that the City Councillors can have an open discussion about the issues surrounding Solid Gold Strip Club.
However, I already know that you will not reply as you just don’t care.
In the spirit of full disclosure we need to add that Ms Henshell is representing the Burlington Gazette in the claim for damages the Air Park is making in its allegation that we libeled them.

Referring to Mayor Goldring’s speech today and telling us what strides they have made on Plains Road since the 50’s made me think of the Emperor’s New Clothes and this thread.
If they tell us something enough….
In fact I have always been a bit embarrassed that as fine, elegant and well manicured our side streets are in Aldershot (really some of the finest in Burlington) our main drag has always looked like a a slum. We get used to it but when friends come from out of town and see it for the first time they always say they are surprised when they turn off from Plains that it is actually a nice neighbourhood that doesn’t match the dishevelled main street.
Well said Cynthia.
We shouldn’t single our SG. And what about all those old Motels? Are they really for the bustling tourist trade?
correcting the ironic typo in my previous comment… I meant to say “those emails are really something” not somerhing!
A few more corrections…
Some punctuation problems too.
thanks AP.
I have lived in Aldershot for over 10 years, I go by Solid Gold almost daily at different times of the day and I have never seen dancers waving people into the parking lot. Flagging this business as being bad for “the children” is just as bad as all of the people who went crazy about the pain clinic on Plains Rd a while ago, it came (and went) with nary a child harmed. Ms Henschel needs to take on a cause that matters like bike lanes or saving the whales or something.
And frankly, Gazette, you might want to try to find a lawyer with a better command of the English language, those emails are somerhing!
Last, Mr Craven, surely you have a boilerplate response for Solid Gold complainents that you could send to Ms. Henschel?Wacky as the peoples’ concerns may be, everyone deserves a response when they reach out to their Councillor. Why give someone more grist for their mill?
Craig….I have been!!
In regards to the school children walking by this might indeed be the case, but they are not walking by an open club. I had to go to the bank next door yesterday and remembered a comment made but one of the gentlemen I was talking to that Solid Gold does not open to 6:00. A quick ride by there doors confirmed this. School kids are long gone by then.
Potentially transformative changes to Smart Growth and Planning Act – 2 articles, 0 comments; Solid Gold ‘can I get a witness’ – 1 article, 34 comments (by latest count). Says it all. And I wondered why only 34% of eligible voters did so.
Because the majority of the population runs on about a grade six or lower level of intelligence, and the elders who dont care about tracking progressive change anymore are just starting to return from florida.
I have thought about these two comments and I don’t feel it’s a lack of education or a fascination with stripping that has created such a response. It’s that this is a real, visceral and immediate issue that we face everyday. For those of us in ALDERSHOT the Village Vision turned out to be the Village Meak Suggestion. It fell short and flat. Compared as a commentator mentioned to Dundas or downtown Oakville where there is a mix of history, exciting design and vibrant life. Council has tried in Meak little steps but backed off. They didn’t finish coloiring the picture. They built the library and left it alone with old tired strip malls. They put forth the Seasons building and left old run down houses along it. They built many condos but no great stores or restaurants. No where to stroll too. This timid approach leaves no one happy. Just a weird mix. Solid Gold will remain unchanged as planners have no real vision or foresight to how to make the street work. This need not to rock the boat . Design has really evolved but not here. Maybe they are all intimidated by Marianne Meed Ward. Who knows. But there is no real direction. It would have needed strong leadership and passion to inspire a great street we can all get out and enjoy. It was a great idea. Too bad it was all hot air.
The right plan would have had everyone on board young and old. They should have consulted professional archittects and urban planners. Everyone would have been excited to see the new village. Instead they take orders from a certain age and demographic whose opinions matter more and in trying to preserve relics they have left the seediness and it’s not fair to single SG out when it’s a look lingering up and down the strip. It’s not an issue of morality but of not creating incentives. Maybe come next election more youthful blood will be able to effect change. For now we are in a rut. Playing both sides of the fence was a poor strategy.
….my husband’s still not back yet….
Well you never know, though my dad maintains his friends just go there for the wings.
Mmmm….. My husband said he was going to Canadian Tire this afternoon to buy more filter vent pipes for the dryer exhuast but now I’m wondering ….
Thanks to poster Craig. I always pictured strange men coming in from Mississauga but of course why wouldn’t men from our community be there. There’s no reason they’d be morally superior here. Maybe the onus should be on our boyfriends, fathers and brothers. Though I suppose the new generation just goes online now. Maybe it’s the Internet that is really encouraging the move to condos at SG.
Come on everyone, so may comments, so many opinions yet no one has been to Solid Gold? I am enjoying the righteous theme here but I too have grown up in Aldershot and HAVE been to Solid Gold. Not a regular thing but over the years, on occasion I have gone in…and guess what? Some of Aldershot’s and Burlington’s finest citizens have been there! That’s right, businessmen, politicians, doctor’s. Maybe it’s a meeting with clients, or a bachelor party or what have you, but they are there. Come on guys, fess up. We’ve gone with our friends, gone for a beer, gone for a laugh. One time I even saw our DEACON in there! It’s not a bunch of decrepit outsiders, but men from the community. If not this place would not exist. So everyone can be shocked and offended but more of your neighbours have been than you can know. Perhaps Ms Henshell should ask Mr. Henshell if he’s every taken a peak…or may he is her spy from whom she garners so many facts?
The following passage is from Rick Craven’s February 2015 news letter:
“Employment Land Conversions
Also as part of the Official Plan review the City is considering a number of requests from Aldershot
property owners to convert land currently zoned for “employment” purposes to other uses. Many of
these properties are in west Aldershot near Waterdown Road. The list includes: 1077 Howard Road
and 1070 Waterdown Road (King Paving), 1021 Emery Ave (south of King Paving), 53 Plains Road
East and 1025 Cooke Blvd (Solid Gold), 101 Masonry Court, 1 Plains Road East, 1017, 1021, 1025,
1029, 1033, 1026 Waterdown Road and 1026 Cooke Blvd.
Studies show that the City does in fact have sufficient “employment” land to meet our needs so
conversion of these properties to different zones is possible and may in fact be desirable for a variety ”
This would suggest to me that Solid Gold is making alternate plans for that block of land, maybe residential use. Let’s find out what that is and be supportive instead of plugging our ears and closing our eyes. I don’t blame them for needing an alternative that is attractive financially as their bar/club. Unless something else works for them nothing will change and in that case we should all stop complaining. We can’t have it all ways.
It would seem from Craven’s newsletter about change of use Lands that the Councillor is affecting change for the Solid Gold land and that we may see the fruits of this in the new Official Plan amendments. Let’s give him a chance and see what this year brings. I predict great things and that Craven with the help of Council will turn this property and the run down block around it into something dynamic and useful to us all. Nowhere else in Burlingoton has a community had the momentum and chance to create such beautiful design and atmosphere and mold new living spaces and business. Let go onwards and upwards.
I want to comment on Solid Gold….I don’t mind that they are there….Most of the women that work there are trying to raise their kids that dead beat dad’s won’t support or Trying to put themselves through school for they had dead beat dads…..and where are most of these dads…in these very establishments!!
There is some history behind this. Solid Gold wanted to move but he ciry created a situation that it could not. Taek a look back at this 2008 article
Wow, she’s making friends with her neighbour, Craven. Soon they’ll build a brick wall like east and west germany in the past.
^not a wildly successful lawyer, obviously!
There should be no bars or stripping clubs in this city. One of the reasons we avoid Aldershot is because of this place. What concerns me also is the allegation of being forced off the road by Mr. Craven. Maybe the lawyer has gone inside of the business to see exactly what happens and maybe it is true what she says. I feel sorry for this lawyer who is trying to talk intelligently about an issue that is bothersome to some people and some have not even been inside the place to be fair.
Strip clubs are one thing but no bars. That’s completely ridiculous. Bars now serve food as well as provide entertainment. (Sports, music etc.) Most are perfectly respectable. Would the next step be a dry city. Count me out.
A. Both Wendy’s and the Schools are on the East Side of Solid Gold, children do not walk past them at lunch time.
B. This is a business, run by a high-ranked business man that will not be easy to convince. Talk to him, not the Councillor.. Craven can’t force him to leave.
Having grown up in Aldershot I can honestly say I have never been in Solid Gold (or any of its previous names). Nor can I remember any incidents occurring there that would not happen at other bars. I would like to see them move, and I’d like to see the City provide assistance to have them move. Until people stop going or they stop following the rules, there is not much that can be done about it.
Sadly Ms. Henshall seems to think that campaigning now for the 2018 election is helpful, too bad she doesn’t understand the issues better. As a lawyer she should know this. She should hold herself to a higher standard and stop spreading muck – nobody likes American style politics perhaps that’s why she came in 3rd in the election….
Pepper great work on getting so many to offer a comment. please don’t enourage the lawyer to run interferenece at city council, that job is needed but the people who do it should be articulate, inteligent, & reasonable.
Now for the lawyer who lost the election to the incumbant. please remember you lost by a BIG spread to the councillor. no one other than your family cares about the weight of the baby you delivered, it certianly has nothing to do with concerns you expressed to the coucillor. not sure the councillor owes you a meeting, he represents ward 1 and the city as a whole not you as an individual. if i was a member of council in any ward if i recived an email like this from some like you with the bad history you have presented i would not respond either. if you don’t like the strip club you have the right to buy the business and property and close it down. shutting down solid gold is not the city’s job, they need to make aldershot a desirbale area for business and eventually less desirable business will move out. council and the city have bigger issues to deal with than shutting down a legal business that you have moral issues with.
What is wrong with renting rooms by the hour? Some people don’t need a lot of sleep. If you take the price of an average hotel room $150 divided by 24 hours equals to $6.25 per hour. If you only need 4 hours sleep then you only pay $25 and not $150. I think more businesses should offer affordable options like this to customers.
Dianne, this would be a great idea for travellers. If your driving long distance you might want to grab a few hours sleep someplace other than your car. How about someone with an early morning flight. I know I hate paying full price for a hotel if I’m only staying a short time.
When Solid Gold was first established decades ago in Burlington, it was situated in an area that was in the sparsely-populated outskirts of the city…an area that was could be considered ‘dumpy’ or undesirable for most families to locate. Solid Gold in that environment was allowed to operate with little objection. Fast forward to today’s situation and the nature of the business is in the view of many who live in Aldershot not compatible with the way the community has developed and its composition altered. That is what is at the root of this controversy. Solid Gold is a legitimate business. It does pay its taxes. However, does the nature of the service it offers still FIT within the ‘neighbourhood’ as it has progressed? I find it fairly easy to understand the objection to it in that particular place in this particular time without condemning it or judging the nature of the business. There should be an intelligent discussion of this issue without minimizing the validity of the view of those who live in the area and would like to see it redeveloped to better suit the reality of today’s Aldershot.
I question Ms. Henshall’s facts. First is it really the biggest commercial business. What about the bingo hall or the fitness club. I would certainly not call Solid Gold a “landmark business”. A discussion came up while I was at a downtown restaurant where I talked with some gentlemen who knew the owner. I mentioned I had read of this incident of strippers waving down cars and they though it highly unlikely. I too find it a bit questionable as I can not see a business man who runs a controversial business wanting to antagonize his neighbours in this way. Was it 3 strippers or 4. What constituents a “stripper outfit”. As I pointed out in a post responding to a previous article, some of the dresses teenage girls where to formal occasions are so short you can almost see there crotch. So too with some outfits I have seen waitresses wear in establishments that are not adult only.
While I am no fan of Councillor Craven I do know he has addressed the issue of Solid Gold in the past(see Lucy’s comment above). Just because he was unsuccessful doesn’t mean he didn’t try.
How does Ms. Henshall know that the rooms are rented out by the hour. Has she tried to rent a room. WHERE IS HER EVIDENCE or is she just stating rumour as fact.
When was it that she saw these strippers. I don’t know when Dairy Queen closes for the season or soccer season ends but this incident was obviously not recent and it appears she is just bringing it up now. If she is so concerned why did she not bring it up during the election. I don’t recall hearing of her saying anything about Solid Gold then. Maybe she is trying to position herself for the next election. Even in her letter to council she couldn’t help self aggrandizing comments. Her attack on Councillor Craven is over the top. Also in her comments she implies that he tried to run her off the road deliberately. I find that hard to believe. He’s not stupid enough to physically try to harm her. He may have been driving too fast or was distracted but I am sure any incident was not deliberate.
Sold Gold is a legal business that has been in Aldershot for years. I think this city has more pressing issues to deal with.
Solid Gold may not be everyone’s preference but it is a legaal business that pays its taxes, keeps it property clean and obeys the law. Council’s past tried and failed to remove Solid Gold however by law – they can create a law to remove a legal business. They have a right to exist much like any other business.
Solid Gold has been a factor in the neighbourhood for many years – I respect Burlington but this is one of the few city’s that does not have a homeless shelter – it is small minds that think like this.
A community in eastern Ontario would not open a women’s shelter because it was thought by council that the problem did not exist and would just encourage people much like I have been told that Burlngton does not have homeless
My point is simply that Solid Gold may not be everyone’s like but they respect the law, keep their property clean and pay their taxes and have a right to exist.
People have suggesting moving it – where does one recommend that it be moved to and to further the point – why should they move
NIMBY exists – it is through craigslist. Sorry Ms Henshell.
I first moved to Burlington in 1969 as a young adult. I recall in the early 70’s driving to the brand new Towers Discount Department Store which was at 124 Plains Rd. E.(found info in Wiki) Solid Gold is nearby that address at 54. I believe Solid Gold was there but in a smaller building. That stretch of the Aldershot community, Hwy.2 looked ugly, uninviting, and sparse in that period. It has come a long way and developed beautifully over the years. I found this article online which is of interest as it quotes Councillor Craven on the subject of Solid Gold:
Aug 19, 2013 In Plain View: Transforming Aldershot From the Hamilton Spectator Article: “The site will soon feature an upscale, six-storey condominium development called Seasons with retail space on the first floor. Construction will start this fall and is expected to be complete in a year.
Across the street, the city’s only strip club, Solid Gold, is up for sale. It’s one of the larger parcels of undeveloped land along the corridor at three acres. Several developers have come to city hall to talk with planning staff, with some recently returning with more ‘realistic’ plans, Craven said.
“We want to see that site developed and we want to see the strip club gone,” said Craven. “Some (developers) came to us and said they wanted to build higher (than six storeys) and we simply told them no. We’re hopeful the momentum around Plains Road means Solid Gold will be sold soon.”
Interesting. So Six plus is the bewitching number? “We simply told them no”? How about “well what does it look like, is the design nice? what stores could serve the community? Could there be gardens and landscaping within it?
Are the neighbours aware that this was an option? I think we’d rather anything else that than Solid Gold. Why is this not a discussion? Since when are low rise buildings the perfect model? Just look at the plaza where the Lord Nelson is to see how dumpy low rise can be. SG site would not have to be a monster building. Something nice, terraced perhaps? Councillors please put the options on the table and open neighbourhood ideas before you “simply tell them no”. You talk about a village vision, but the village has no core, no heart. Any village needs nice food shops to have a pulse. Old Dundas is the perfect example where butcher, cheese and vegetable shops make the village vibrate and welcoming. Do we have to make it economically viable for developers? Probably, but do it hand in hand, work together. With progress one day it will happen anyways, with no say from the community, so let’s do it now in a way workable for all. SG backs on to an Industrial area. There is development proposed in behind by Masonry Court. Things are a changing. Lets not hide our heads in the sand, let’s be part of it while our opinion still matters.
What irks me the most: “we simply told them no”. What are they, 5? How about checking with the voters on that. Were they stamping their little feet in the sandbox at the same time? Every school yard toddler learns the importance of negotiating. No wonder nothing changes and we are stuck with old albatrosses along Plains Road. Get with the times everyone.
I grew up in Windsor and went to high school at Assumption High School. There is a strip club called Studio 4 650 metres from the school and like the school, has been there “forever”. Kids from school walked by it every day as well. Yet somehow, someway, over the years the school managed to turn out thousands of good mannered, law-abiding citizens that have gone on to lead productive lives. So let’s simmer down with the detrimental effect this business will have on the kids.
Guess what Ms. Henshell, there’s this thing called the interwebs and if you think one business is going to warp the minds of the children, fasten your seatbelts when they start poking around the world wide web. There’s no replacement for good parenting, good morals, and good values which can keep the kids on the right path.
Here’s something else that I am curious about. When did Solid Gold open? I know it’s been there for at least 25 years, but would love to know exactly when. When did Ms. Henshell move into the neighbourhood? If it was after Solid Gold was already there, then this sounds a lot like people who buy a house near the airport and then complain about the noise.
The neighbourhood is evolving and as other commenters have noted, hopefully Solid Gold can move into an industrial area off the beaten path. But until then, Solid Gold is a legal business.
I drive along that stretch of Plains Rd. from time to time and have never witnessed women outside waving cars in. Ms. Henshell refers to one particular event in her letter, but implies this is recurring. As a reader, I want to form an opinion based on what the facts are and not exaggerated claims.
Perhaps Mrs. Henshell should cover her eyes and ears when she drives past Solid Gold and do so likewise for her new child.
It’s probably because of this “bird park proposition” as to why Councillor is not taking her complaints seriously:
Council has the power to do decide on an appropriate use for this property and the type of business being operated at this location. This issue does not rest solely with Craven.
Council as a whole has a duty to address the issues related to this property in a more proactive manner and also to calm the concerns of those who are opposed to the existing use. This corner location is better suited for mixed use redevelopment to compliment the overall neighbourhood.
The property and business owner has some rights, but, citizen concerns with this particular property are valid and should be respected.
City Planners and Council have not allowed Solid Gold to change as they feel the community is not ready for change and that to make it feasible economically it would have be to big a building with more floors . Let US the neighbours put it to a VOTE! I would rather a new structure that serves the community. We can handle weighing in but give us the FACTS!!! The new library is high but we SURVIVED and it is a great part of our neighbourhood and one of the nicest buildings. Give them some encouragement to move the strip club. Murray’s was the only place to buy a bit of milk and bread and that had to come down. Mr Goldring challenges us to “walk to the grocery store”? I challenge him to give us one. Maybe there will be some compromises. So be it. Let’s get on with it. If there are other options to build something else what are they? How can we make it work? We are not children, arbitrarily banning four storey buildings or more is catering to the old guard. Are families welcome here or not? Then Give us the facilities and stores we need.
And just to be fair, although SG does not seem useful to my family and is an ugly building, we have never seen anyone outside. Didn’t know it was still open. Looks like a big wasteland
The issue of Solid Gold renting out rooms by the hour is delicate and another reason for the Gazette to print cautiously. Henshell seems to be inferring that prostitution is happening in these rooms. What is the status of prostitution in Canada presently? Has Henshell gone to the police with her evidence? What did the police tell her? Come on Gazette report impartially.
The distance that the strip joint is from the schools is more than half a kilometre!!! That seems like a very weak argument that she is presenting. I don’t find her points to be based on logic as much as emotion. The problem is NIBY thinking by Henshell. If Aldershot is being redeveloped with work live buildings that seems to be in line with Burlington’s planning. The issue of a commercial area in Aldershot on Plains road is worth examining and discussing. Large commercial development along Plains Rd in Aldershot does not seem to be part of the city’s redevelopment. It may be likely that one day Solid Gold may also be redeveloped to live work buildings if when the value of the land is greater than any profit from the strip club. It may be wise for the Gazette to lower the number of published articles about Henshell’s pet peeve as it is beginning to look like a conflict of interest on the Gazette’s part. It may be a damn if you do issue.
How very, very disturbing to read the above article. I find it hard to believe that this issue has not been addressed. Times change, areas change. It certainly is time for Solid Gold Strip Club to find a new area and RELOCATE. Surely, this is worthy of Council attention! That Burlington community deserves better. I don’t live in that part of the city, but can certainly empathize with the people who call it home.
I would love to know what a “stripper outfit” is. This women is a nut job and that’s part of the reason she wasn’t elected. Should SG be in that location. Absolutely not. It should be in a commercial area away from schools and homes.
On the issue of Craven blatantly ignoring her. This should be addressed by council. He has no right as the ward councilor to ignore a constituent.
Katherine Henshell is certainly not a “nut job”. I think you should realize what it’s like living and investing in an area where things going badly with seemingly no interest from the city. We have public meetings – people make comments and even if every single person at the meeting objects – rubber stamped and built. Or trees are being stripped away, our stores are being bulldozed or kids are going to grow up in a place with no place to play, no place to work and nothing to do. Katherine Henshell is passionate about the kids that will grow up in this area – if you think that’s crazy you can stamp me a “nut job” too.
I’m not sure what the fuss is about the area being stripped away–is it the the used car lots or sleazy motels that you will miss most as the road gets refurbished? Isn’t Lasalle Park a great area to play in?
It’s not a bad thing to want kids to grow in an area that does not look so seedy. We need to take stock of the street. Sentimentality does not belong to tired shopping plazas. My wife grew up in this area and I understand the great things here and the history. But people are focusing on the wrong things.