Burlington now requires building permit applications to be submitted electronically

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 7th, 2021



The City of Burlington  has announced that applications for building permits can now only be sent to the City electronically.

This new online feature will enhance customer service for anyone requiring a building permit and reduce the City’s carbon footprint.

city hall with flag poles

No more trundling down to city hall – building applications have to be submitted electronically.

Applications which were processed before July 5, 2021 will continue to be processed in a hard copy format unless otherwise directed by Building and Bylaw Department staff. If you are unable to submit the application electronically, please contact the Building and Bylaw Department team at 905-335-7731, ext. 7470 or buildingpermits@burlington.ca.

To submit a building permit application online, go to burlington.ca/building.

The online system will make it easier and less time consuming for applicants as they will not need to courier, mail or drop off paper copies of the application.

For City staff, it will mean less printing and paper, improved review process and staff can access applications remotely.

Nick Anastasopoulos, City of Burlington Chief Building Official, commented that, “Throughout the pandemic, staff have been working very hard to get this new electronic system up and running. We’ve heard from residents and the industry that this was a high priority. Reducing our carbon footprint has been a key initiative of the Building and Bylaw Department and the introduction of electronic review will drive this initiative forward. We’re excited to have it in place so as to phase out paper submissions related to building permit applications.”

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1 comment to Burlington now requires building permit applications to be submitted electronically

  • Alfred

    Congratulations to Mr Anastasopoulos and Mr LaSelva from the City of Burlington Building Dept.

    For demonstrating leadership and making wise decisions that others before them failed to act on. To replace paper submissions related to building permit applications.

    Imagine the time wasted having to drive to Stoney Creek 10 to 15 times in a gas guzzling 3/4 pick up truck to keep picking up plans that had constant minor revisions when they could have been e-mailed directly. No more pollution, no waste of paper. This was just for a single family home. Imagine having to manually deliver plans and related paperwork for highrise buildings. The amount of paper work was enormous delivering it to City was quite the task for the City staff and the builders.

    Sadly the industry and one builder in particular brought this up to the Green Queen and council over 8 years ago and to the previous folks in charge of Building Permits back then. The builders even offered to pay for the larger screens required by the staff to review the applications.

    Thank you gentlemen for running your office like a Rolex watch making our jobs a lot easier.